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02-Jun-2022 Commencement and Exam Entry for Third Year First Semester
Commencement YIIISII 2017-2018.pdf , Notice for Exam entry form YIIISI.pdf
31-May-2022 Examination Entry From YIIISI 2017/2018
Notice examination YIII SI 2017-2018.pdf
27-May-2022 Exam Timetable - 1st Year 1st Semester
Exam Timetable - 1st Year 1st Semester.pdf
27-May-2022 Second Year First Semester Examination Timetable - Revised
Page - 01 (3).pdf , Page - 02 (3).pdf
27-Apr-2022 Commencement of Orientation Program and Academic Activities
Commencement Year 1 1920 (1).pdf , Orientation Programme - 2022 (Virtual).pdf
23-Apr-2022 Commencement of academic activities
Notice for commencement.pdf
24-Mar-2022 Commencement Academic Activities
YIVS Commencement.pdf
24-Mar-2022 Commencement of practical's and examinations
Commencement of Practicals & Examinations.pdf
08-Mar-2022 Examination Timetable - REVISED
First year second seme - revised.pdf , Second year second semester - revised.pdf
03-Mar-2022 Examination Timetable - First Year Second Semester
Examination Timetable - First Year Second Semester.pdf
21-Feb-2022 Examination Time table, 2nd year 2nd semester
Second year second semester Examination Timetable - REVISED.pdf
21-Feb-2022 Commencement of Examination
15-Feb-2022 Revised Examination Timetable
YIIISII revised exam time table.pdf
15-Feb-2022 2nd year 2nd Semester Examination Timetable
Examination Timetable - 02nd year 02nd semester-compressed.pdf
07-Feb-2022 3rd year 2nd Semester Examination Timetable
Third Year Second Semester Examination Timetable.pdf
31-Jan-2022 MSc Examination Timetable
27-Jan-2022 Postponement of Examinations
Notice - Postponement of Examinations.pdf
29-Dec-2021 Year II Semester II (2018/2019) Entry Form
YII SII Entry Form.pdf
29-Dec-2021 Notice to 2016/2017, 2018/2019 & 2019/2020 Batch Students
Commencement of examination.pdf , Entry form YIII SII.pdf
29-Dec-2021 Notice to 2nd Year 2nd Semester Students(2017/2018 Batch)
Commencement Exam 1718.pdf