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08-Nov-2022 Second Year Second Semester Examination Time Table - 2019/20
YIISII Examination Timetable 2019-2020.pdf
31-Oct-2022 Semester Timetable - First Year Second Semester – 2020/2021 -Revised
First year Second semester Timetable_201920_Revised.doc
21-Oct-2022 Commencement Notice,1st year 2nd Semester
22-Sep-2022 Commencement Notice
Notice (4)_0.pdf
17-Sep-2022 Re - Revised Examination Timetable
Re-Revised Examination Timetable.pdf
14-Sep-2022 Revised Examination time table
Revised Examination Timetable.pdf
03-Sep-2022 Allocation of students among the departments for Specialiazation 2022
19-Aug-2022 3.2 Commencement notice
Notice (3).pdf
17-Aug-2022 Commencement and Examination entry form
Commencement YI SI 2020-2021 (1).pdf , Examination entry form YISI 2020-2021.pdf
09-Aug-2022 Fourth Year First Semester Examination
09-Aug-2022 First Year Second Semester Examination Table
25-Jul-2022 Entry form to sit Examination
Examination entry form notice YIVSI 2019-2020.pdf
21-Jul-2022 Notice - 02nd year 02nd semester students
Notice - 2nd year 2nd.pdf
12-Jul-2022 Notice for examination entry forms and commencement
Commencement notice (1).pdf , Examination entry form (1).pdf
12-Jul-2022 Third Year First Semester Examination Time Table (Revised)
3rd year 1 Examination Timetable.pdf
06-Jul-2022 First Year First Semester Examination Revised Time Table
Revised Timetable.pdf
02-Jun-2022 Commencement and Exam Entry for Third Year First Semester
Commencement YIIISII 2017-2018.pdf , Notice for Exam entry form YIIISI.pdf
31-May-2022 Examination Entry From YIIISI 2017/2018
Notice examination YIII SI 2017-2018.pdf
27-May-2022 Exam Timetable - 1st Year 1st Semester
Exam Timetable - 1st Year 1st Semester.pdf
27-May-2022 Second Year First Semester Examination Timetable - Revised
Page - 01 (3).pdf , Page - 02 (3).pdf