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05-Jun-2023 Commencement of orientation program, Academic year -2021/2022
Commencement notice YISI.pdf
01-Jun-2023 Notice for Exam entry form, 4th Year 1st Semester
Exam entry form YIVSI.pdf
25-May-2023 3 rd. year 1st Semi Examination Timetable - Revised
3 rd year 1st Semi Examination Timetable - Revised.pdf
22-May-2023 Examination Timetable - Third Year First Semester
Examination Timetable - Third Year First Semester - 2023.pdf
21-Apr-2023 Commencement of Academic Activities, Second Year First Semester (2020/2021 Batch)
21-Apr-2023 Bursary Scholarship - 2020/2021 Batch
18-Apr-2023 Commencement of Academic Activities
Commencement Notice.pdf
21-Mar-2023 Examination Timetable First Year Second Semester Examination in Agriculture – 2020/2021. Revised
Exam Timetable_First Year Second Semetser_ 202021_Revised_Final (2).docx
20-Mar-2023 Commencement of examination
Notice for 2020-2021.pdf
07-Mar-2023 Exam Timetable - 01st Year 02 nd Semester
Exam Timetable - 01st Year 02 nd Semester.pdf
01-Mar-2023 Postponed and reschedule Notice
Postpone notice.pdf
22-Feb-2023 4.1. Commencement Notice
Notice - 04th Year 01st Semester Students.pdf
20-Feb-2023 Calendar of Dates
Calendar-of Dates-All Semester.docx , Calendar-of Dates-All Semester.pdf
14-Feb-2023 Second Year First Semester Examination Timetable - 2020/2021- Rerevised
Second Year First Semester- Exam_20202021_rerevised version.doc (1).pdf
09-Feb-2023 Second Year First Semester Examination Timetable-2020/2021
Second Year First Semester- Exam_20202021_Final version.doc
19-Jan-2023 YIIISII Examination Postponement
YIIISII Examination Postponement Notice.pdf
16-Jan-2023 Third Year First Semester Time Table
Semester Timetable - Third Year First Semester (Farm practice Courses).pdf
16-Jan-2023 Re registration 2020/2021
Re registration 2020 2021.pdf
16-Jan-2023 Examination entry form YIISI 2019/2020
YIISI 2019 2020.pdf
12-Jan-2023 3rd year 1st semester (Revised)
Notice - 03rd year 1st seme (Revised).pdf