Senior Prof. (Mrs.) Thayamini H. Seran

Senior Prof. (Mrs.) Thayamini H. Seran
B.Sc. Agric. (EUSL), M.Sc (UC, Sri Lanka), Ph.D (UC, Sri Lanka)
Senior Professor in Crop Science
Department of Crop Science
Faculty of Agriculture
Eastern University, Sri Lanka
Full Name : Thayamini H. Seran
O/L & A/L : J/ Mahajana College & Union College, Tellippalai, Jaffna
Academic Qualifications
- May 2006 : Ph.D in Plant Sciences
University of Colombo - July 1998 : M.Sc in Plant Cell and Tissue Culture
University of Colombo - Dec 1993 : B.Sc (Hons) in Agriculture
Eastern University
Career Record
- July 2024 – to date: Senior Professor in Crop Science
- July 2016 – 2024 : Professor in Crop Science
- May 2003 – 2016: Senior Lecturer in Crop Science
- May 1998 - 2003: Lecturer in Crop Science
- Jan 1994 – Nov 1996: Assistant Lecturer in Agric. Biology & Crop Science
Training at National and International level
- Participated a training course on “Lessons Leant from the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami Disaster Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Process in Aceh” held at the Tsunami and Disaster Mitigation Research Center (TDMRC), Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia from 2nd to 6th March 2009 funded by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), Canada.
- Research Fellowship with reference to Interspecific Hybridization and Tissue Culture at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), India from 12th - 23rd November 2007 under Improving Relevance and Quality of Undergraduate Education (IRQUE) project funded by World Bank.
- Participated a Training course on “Teaching Methods" held at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka from 20th – 31st July 1998.
- Member of the Third World Organization for Women in Science, The Academy of Science for the Developing World (TWAS), Italy from Sep 2006 – to date.
- Member of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS), Sri Lanka from May 2000 - to date.
Senior Prof. Thayamini H. Seran
Department of Crop Science
Faculty of Agriculture
Eastern University
Sri Lanka
Tel No. : +94 (0) 65 3121757
e-mail :,
Book Chapter
- Seran T.H., Ahmad N. (2018) Shoot Organogenesis of Aloe Plants with Emphasis on TDZ. In: Ahmad N., Faisal M. (eds) Thidiazuron: From Urea Derivative to Plant Growth Regulator. Springer, Singapore. pp 359-376.
[DOI:]. - Shanika M.M.A.N. and Seran T.H. (2021) Morphogenesis of cotyledon explants and plantlet regeneration of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) under salt stress. In: Siddique I. (eds) Propagation and Genetic Manipulation of Plants. Springer, Singapore.
International Journals
- Thayamini H. Seran, Hirimburegama K. and Gunasekare M. T. K. (2005). Encapsulation of embryonic axes of Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze (tea) and subsequent in vitro germination. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology 80(1): 154 -158.
- Thayamini H. Seran, Hirimburegama K. and Gunasekare M. T. K. (2006). Direct somatic embryogenesis from explants obtained from in vitro germinated embryonic axes of Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology 81(5): 883-890.
- Thayamini H. Seran, Hirimburegama K. and Gunasekare M. T. K. (2007). Production of cotyledon-type somatic embryos directly from immature cotyledonary explants of Camellia sinensis (L.). Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology 82(1): 119-125.
- Thayamini H. Seran (2007). Anther Culture in Tea Improvement. Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Science and Biotechnology 1(2): 234 – 239.
- Seran T. H and Brintha I. (2009). Biological and economic efficiency of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) intercropped with vegetable amaranthus (Amaranthus tricolor L.). The Open Horticulture Journal 2: 17-21.
- Thayamini H. Seran and Krishanthy (2009). Impact of removal of shoot tips on productivity of greengram (Vigna radiata L.). The Asian and Australasian Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology 3(1): 51-54.
- Thayamini H. Seran and Brintha I. (2009). Study on determining a suitable pattern of capsicum (Capsicum annum L.) - vegetable cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) intercropping. Karnataka Journal of Agricultural Sciences 22(5): 1153-1154.
- Thayamini H. Seran and Brintha I. (2010). Review on maize based intercropping. Journal of Agronomy 9(3): 135-145.
- Prashaanth R, Seran T. H., Brintha I. and Sivachandiran S. (2010). Yield and yield components of brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) as affected by groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) intercropping. Journal of Agricultural Research 48(4): 497-503.
- Suthamathy N. and Thayamini H. Seran (2011). Growth and yield response of red onion (Allium ascalonicum L.) grown in different potting media. Journal of Phytology 3(1): 50-58.
- Seran T. H. and Brintha I. (2011). The residual effect of paddy husk ash applied in proceeding crop of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) on succeeding crop of amaranthus (Amaranthus tricolor L.). Word Journal of Agricultural Sciences 7 (3): 316-319.
- Seran T. H., Meerashahib N. B. M. and Teixeira da Silva J. A. (2011). Influence of coir dust on plant growth of shoe flower (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) stem cuttings. European Journal of Horticultural Science 76(3): 109-115.
- Sathyagowri S.and Thayamini H. Seran (2011). In vitro plant regeneration of ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) with emphasis on initial culture establishment. International Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants 1(3): 195-202.
- Thayamini H. Seran and Umadevi T. (2011). Influence of indole acetic acid (IAA) on the establishment of stem cuttings in Lemon (Citrus limon L.). Journal of Agricultural Research 49(4): 517-524.
- Brintha, I. and Thayamini H. Seran (2012). Effect of intercropping chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) with onion (Allium cepa L.) in sandy regosol. Bangladesh Journal Agricultural Research 37(3): 547-550.
- Thayamini H. Seran and Risvani N. M. Shahardeen. (2012). A note on the performance of vegetable cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) seeds harvested from plants grown in animal manure with effective microorganisms (EM). Sudan Journal of Agricultural Research 20: 113-118.
- Kamshananthi T. and Thayamini H. Seran (2012) Induction of somatic embryogenesis from cotyledon explants of cashew (Anancardium occidentale L.). Journal of Agricultural Technology 8(6):2087-2097.
- Suthamathy N and Seran T.H (2013). Residual effect of organic manure EM Bokashi applied to proceeding crop of vegetable cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) on succeeding crop of radish (Raphanus sativus). Research Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences 1(1): 2-5.
- Thayamini H. Seran and Suthamathy N. (2013). Effect of combined application of cattle manure and EM on the yield components of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Research 38(1): 1-9.
- Thayamini H. Seran (2013). In vitro propagation of ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) through direct organogenesis: A Review. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 16(24): 1826-1835.
- Shahardeen R.N.M and Seran T.H (2013). Impact of animal manure EM-bokashi on seed yield and quality of vegetable cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.). Bangladesh Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research 48(1): 33-38.
- Seran, T.H. and Shahardeen, R. N. M. (2013). Marketable pod yield of vegetable cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) as influenced by organic manures fermented with EM solution. Open Horticulture Journal 6 :19-23,
- Sathyagowri S. and Thayamini H. Seran (2013). A note on morphological studies of shoot bud initiation from ginger (Zingiber officinales Rosc) rhizome cultured in vitro conditions. Sudan Journal of Agricultural Research 22: 101- 106.
- Seran, T.H., Kamshananthi, T. and Lavanya L. (2014). Crop performance of groundnut (Arachis hypogalea L.) plants developed from different seed lots with an emphasis on organic fertilizer regimes. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology 4(3): 133-137.
- Piraveena Sithamparam and Thayamini H. Seran (2014). Root and shoot growth of soybean (Glycine max) as influenced by naturally available phosphous nutrition with manure. Journal of Agriculture and Environment 15: 79-88
- Thayamini H. Seran and Sathyagowri S. (2014). Histological study on in vitro culture establishment of ginger (Zingeber officinales Roac) for shoot organogenesis. Current Topics in Biotechnology 8: 63-66.
- Lavanya Lavakumaran and Thayamini H. Seran (2014). Effect of 6-benzyl-aminopurine and thidiazuron on in vitro shoot organogenesis of Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 74(4): 497-501.
- Thayamini H. Seran and A. Thiresh (2015). Root and shoot growth of dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus) stem cutting as influenced by Indole Butytic acid. Agricultural and Biological Sciences Journal 1(2): 27-30.
- Imthiyas M.S.M. and T.H. Seran (2015). Influence of compost with reduced level of chemical fertilizers on the accumulation of dry matter in leaves of radish (Raphanus sativus L.). Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Engineering 1(1): 1-4.
- Thinesh, A. and T. H. Seran (2015). In vitro callogenesis from bud and stem explants of dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus). Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology 5(4): 253-256.
- Muhammed A. Hassaan and Thayamini H. Seran (2015). A note on split application of liquid organic fertilizer on yield of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Sudan Journal of Agricultural Research 24: 97-102.
- Vanajah, T. and Seran, T.H. (2016). Response of sansal wood (Santalum album L.) lwaf explants under in vitro conditions. International Journal of Advanced Research and Review 1(3): 69-73.
- Brintha Karunarathna and Thayanini H. Seran (2016). Field evaluation of cattle manure along with effective microorganisms on growth and yield of capsicum (Capsicum annum L.). International Journal of Advanced Research and Review 1(4): 10-18.
- Vanajah, T. and Seran, T. H. (2016). Induction of embryogenic callus from shoot tip explants of sandalwood (Santalum album L.). Journal of Advance Research in Food, Agriculture and Environmental Science 3(4): 12-16.
- Mohamed Iqram, A.M. and Seran, T. H. (2016). Effect of foliar application of Albert solution on growth and yield of tomato (Lycopersium esculentum Mill.) Journal of Advance Research in Food, Agriculture and Environmental Science 3(4): 17-22.
- Thayamini H. Seran and Imthiyas, M. S. M. (2016). Effect of Different Doses of NK Chemical Fertilizers and Compost on Growth and Yield Attributes of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology 4(6): 481-486.
- Thayamini H. Seran (2016). Yield and yield components of Arachis hypogaea L. as influenced by NPK chemical fertilizers, farm yard manure and gypsum. Bangladesh Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research 51(4): 285-290.
- Hematharshini, A. and Seran, T.H. (2017). In vitro shoot organogenesis of snake plant (Sansevieria trifasciata L.) as influenced by explant orientation and sucrose concentration. International Journal of Advanced Research and Review 2(12): 01-06.
- Imthiyas, M.S.M and Seran, T.H. (2017). Residual effect of goat manure and expertTM fertilizer treated with proceeding crop of radish (Raphanus sativus L.).) on succeeding crop of vegetable cowpea (Vigna uniguiculata L.). Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences 2(2): 1-5.
- Imthiyas M.S.M. and Seran T.H. (2017). Marketable tuber yield of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) as influenced by compost and NPK fertilizers. Research Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences 5(11): 1-4.
- Singanayagam Thavanesan and Thayamini H. Seran (2018). Effect of rice straw and husk biochar on vegetative growth and yield attributes of Oryza sativa L. International Journal of Crop Science and Technology 4(2):49-56.
- Thayamini H. Seran (2018). Effects of inorganic and organic nutrients combindly used on yield and quality of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Bangladesh Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research 53(4): 289-296.
- Lakshanthi J.M.T. and T.H. Seran (2019). Survival rate and growth performance of in vitro raised plantlets of orchid (Dendrobium sp.) in different hardening substrates. International Journal of Advanced Research and Review 4(3):1-9.
- Vanajah Thuraisingham and Thayamini H. Seran (2019). Response of rooting attributes of peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) stem cuttings to natural rooting stimulators. International Journal of Crop Science and Technology 5(1):20-27.
- Alaguthurai Hematharshini and Thayamini H. Seran (2019). Effect of leaf segments and potting media on plant performance of Sansevieria trifasciata Hort. ex Prain grown under ex vitro conditions. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology 7(11):1743-1747.
- Raveenthira V. and Seran T.H. (2020). Seed yield of Abelmoschus esculentus L. as influenced by the combined use of inorganic and organic fertilizers. Research Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 8(1):49-52.
- Upendri, H.F.L and Seran, T.H. (2020). Effect of explants and low-cost medium on morphogenic response of aerial stem and rhizome bud explants of turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) for plant regeneration. Journal of Horticulture and Plant Research, 11: 15-24.
- Gayathri, U.H.N. and Thayamini H. Seran (2020). Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) yield influenced by Albizia leaf mould and banana peel with half dosage of NP chemical fertilizers. Bangladesh Journal of Scientific Industrial Research 55(4): 273-282.
- Priyadarshani W. M. Nadeeka and Thayamini H. Seran (2020). The effects of goat manure and sugarcane molasses on the growth and yield of beetroot (Beta vulgaris L). Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Belgrade) 65(4):321-335.
- Upendri, H.F.L. and Seran, T.H. (2021). In vitro Propagation of Turmeric (Curcuma Longa L.) Through Direct Somatic Embryogenesis with reference to explants and plant growth regulars: A Review. Ciencias Agronómicas – Revista, 21(38): e-011.
- Wickramasinghe, N.P.C.H., Seran T.H. and Senarathne M.M.D.J. (2021). Flowering attributes of Henckelia Royal Queen influenced by pinching and Paclobutrazol application. Bangladesh Journal of Scientific Industrial Research 56(3): 177-184.
- Samarakoon, S.G.N.D. and Thayamini H. Seran (2023). Yield response of Abelmoschus esculentus as influenced by compost with Tithonia leaves. International Journal of Environment 12(2):56 -70.
- Iwanthika, G.M.S. and Thayamini H. Seran (2023). Yield response of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) to poultry waste application with different rates of potassium and phosphorus inorganic fertilizers. International Journal of Environment 12(2):71 - 82.
- Fernando, W.K.M.B. and Thayamini H. Seran (2023). Effect of compost with banana peel and moringa leaf powders on seed yield and yield components of green gram (Vigna radiata L. WILCZEK). Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Belgrade) 68(2):171-186.
- Nesaretnam Nemitha and Thayamini H. Seran (2024). Comparative effect of bioslurry and chemical fertilizer application on growth and yield of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L). Research Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences 12(3): 15-20.
National Journals
- Seran T. H., Hirimburegama K. and Shanmugarajah V. (1998). Regeneration of plantlets from cultured anthers of tea (Camellia sinenesis (L.) O.Kuntze). Journal of Tropical Agricultural Research 10: 271-281.
- Thayamini H. Seran, Hirimburegama Kshanika., Hirimburegama W. K. and Shanmugarajah V. (1999). Callus formation in anther culture of tea clones, Camellia sinenesis (L.) O.Kuntze. Journal of National Science Foundation 27(3): 165-175.
- Thayamini H. Seran and Raveenranath S. (2000). Effect of different forms of rice and botanicals on the development of rice weevil (Sitophilus oryzae). AGRIEAST 2: 1-5.
- Thayamini H. Seran., Hirimburegama K. and Shanmugarajah V. (2001). A preliminary study on in vitro ovary culture of tea (Camellia sinenesis L.). AGRIEAST 3: 16-22.
- Thayamini H. Seran and Raveenranath S. (2001). Response of rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties to storage weevil (Sitophilus oryzae). AGRIEAST 3: 80-83.
- Thayamini H. Seran, Hirimburegama K. and Gunasekare M. T. K. (2006). Effect of sucrose concentration on embryogenic capacity of cotyledonary tissues of tea (Camellia sinensis L.). AGRIEAST 5: 109-112.
- Seran T. H., Hirimburegama K. and Gunasekare M. T. K. (2006). Short-term storage of encapsulated zygotic embryonic axes of tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze) at low temperature. Journal of Tropical Agricultural Research 18: 358-366.
- Seran T. H., Hirimburegama K. and Gunasekare M. T. K. (2006). Somatic embryogenesis from embryogenic leaf callus of tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze). Journal of Tropical Agricultural Research 18: 367-375.
- Thayamini H. Seran, Hirimburegama K. and Gunasekare M. T. K. (2007). Production of embryogenic callus from leaf explants of Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze). Journal of National Science Foundation 35(3): 191-196.
- Thayamini H. Seran, Gunasekare M. T. K. and Hirimburegama K. (2007). Germination and subsequent plant development of in vitro cultured zygotic embryos and embryonic axes in comparison to conventional seed propagation of tea (Camellia sinensis L.). Journal of Tea Science 71(2): 89-101.
- Thayamini H. Seran, Hirimburegama K. and Gunasekare M. T. K. (2007). Establishment of in vitro culture to produce friable callus from leaf of tea (Camellia sinensis L.). AGRIEAST 6: 49 -58.
- Brintha I. and Seran T. H. (2009). Effect of paired row planting of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) intercropped with vegetable amarathus (Amaranthus tricolor L.) on yield components of radish in sandy regosol. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 4(1): 19-28.
- Priyadharshini J. and Seran T. H. (2009). Paddy husk ash as a source of potassium for growth and yield of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.). Journal of Agricultural Sciences 4(2): 67-76.
- Shirani A. S. and Seran T. H. (2009). Effect of foliar application of urea as top dressing on yield of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) in sandy regosol. Journal of Science (J.Sc.) 6(1): 19-26.
- Seran T. H. and Jeyakumaran S. (2009). Effect of planting geometry on yield of capsicum (Capsicum annum L.) intercropped with vegetable cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.). Journal of Science (J.Sc.) 6(1): 10-18.
- Brintha I and Seran T. H. (2009). Productivity and Economics of brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) intercropping. Journal of Food and Agriculture 2(1): 1-7.
- Seran T. H., Srikrishnah S. and Ahamed M. M. Z. (2010). Effect of different levels of inorganic fertilizers and compost as basal application on the growth and yield of onion (Allium cepa L.). Journal of Agricultural Sciences 5(2): 64-70.
- Bavatharine G. and Thayamini H. Seran (2010). In vitro response of cotyledon explants of cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) cultured in different concentrations of BAP. Journal of Food and Agriculture 3(1&2): 7-13.
- Piraveena S. and Thayamini H. Seran (2010). The effect of cattle manure enriched with ERP fertilizer on seed yield of soybean (Glycine max) in sandy regosol. Journal of Food and Agriculture 3(1&2): 24-30.
- Viharnaa, S. and Seran T.H. (2013). Effect of cow and poultry manures as basal fertilizers on marketable fruit yield of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) Tropical Agricultural Research and Extension 16(1): 3 pages.
- Brintha, I., Mahendran, T. and Seran, T.H. (2014). Nutritional composition and storage stability of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) seeds cultivated with organic fertilizers. Tropical Agricultural Research & Extension 17(2):54-60.
- Suthamathy, N. and Seran, T.H. (2016). Yield performance of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) grown with different levels of cattle manure as a substitute of inorganic fertilizer on sandy regosol. Journal of Science (J.Sc.) 7: 55-66.
- Prradhiepan T., Seran T.H. and Hariharan G. (2018). Effect of integrated nutrient management on green pod yield of chilli (capsicum annuum L.) cv MIPC-01. Sabaragamuwa University Journal 16(1): 28-33.
- Wickramasinghe, I.M. and Seran, T.H. (2019). Assessing in vitro germination and seedling growth of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) cv KC-1 in response to polyethylene glycol-induced water stress. Sri Lanka Journal of Food and Agriculture 5(2):7–16.
- Madumali H.K.C., Abeythilakarathna P.D. and Seran T.H. (2019). Effect of BAP and IBA on shoot regeneration of strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) through runner tip culture. Sri Lanka Journal of Food and Agriculture 5(1): 41-48.
- Shanika, M.M.A.N. and Seran, T.H. (2020). Impact of salinity on seed germination and seedling performance of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) cv KC-1. Journal of Science, 11(2): 1–11.
- Madumali H.K.C., Abeythilakarathna P.D. and Seran T.H. (2021). Rooting performance of in vitro microshoots of strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) as influenced by plant growth regulators. AGRIEAST: Journal of Agricultural Sciences 15(2):69-73.
- Humaiza, A.J.M. and Seran, T.H. (2022). Effect of Irrigation Frequency and Mulching Material on Growth and Yield of Radish (Raphanus sativus L.). Journal of Food and Agriculture 15(1): 16-36.
- Dananjana GAN and Seran T.H. (2022) Effect of foliar application of red large onion (Allium cepa L.) peel solution on growth and yield of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. WALP). Tropical Agricultural Research & Extension 25 (3):318-326.
- Lakmali K.N.D. and Seran T.H. (2022). Impact of seed priming with king coconut water on Growth and yield of okra (Abelmoschus esculents L.). Journal of Food and Agriculture 5(2): 27-46.
- Wickramasinghe, N.P.C.H., Thayamini H. Seran, Senarathne, M.M.D.J. (2023). Optimizing growth and morphological attributes of Henckelia Royal Queen through pinching and paclobutrazol application. Sri Lankan Journal of Technology 4(2): 14.24.
- Kanakanayagam Archana and Thayamini H. Seran (2023). Growth and yield of shallot (Allium ascalonicum L.) as influenced by soil application of liquid urea and cow urine. AGRIEAST: Journal of Agricultural Science 17 (1): 1-13.
- Wasala, W.M.A.Namal B., Thayamini H. Seran and.Lakmali K.N.D (2023). Effect of Yaramila complex fertilizer on growth and yield of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). Sri Lankan Journal of Technology 4(1): 6-10.
- Kawshalya J.A.D.C and T.H. Seran (2023). Plant Regeneration from Cotyledon Explants of Bittergourd as influenced by Adenine Sulphate and D-Biotin. Journal of Food and Agriculture 16(1):1-20.
- Sashara, A.B.T. and Seran, T.H. (2024). Yield performance of Vigna unguiculata (L.) as influenced by the application of Moringa leaf extract. Sri Lankan Journal of Technology 5(1): 25-33.
Proceedings / Symposium as full papers
- Thayamini H. Seran, Hirimburegama K. and Gunasekare M. T. K. (2006). Induction of somatic embryos from cotyledonary and leaf tissues of tea [Camellia sinensis L.]. Proceedings of the 5th Annual Research Session, EUSL, pp 176 -181.
- Thayamini H. Seran, Hirimburegama K. and Gunasekare M. T. K. (2006). Establishment of in vitro plantlets of Camellia sinensis L. under ex vitro conditions. Proceedings of the 5th Annual Research Session, EUSL, pp 182-185.
- Jeyakumaran S and Seran T. H. (2007). Studies on intercropping Capsicum (Capsicum annum L.) with Bushitao (Vigna unguiculata L.). Proceedings of the 6th Annual Research Session, EUSL, pp 431-440.
- Shirani D. A., Mubain M. M., Samanthi J. A. and Thayamini H. Seran (2008). Effect of different levels of sugar and incubation temperature on microtuberization of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). In: Proceedings of the International Potato Symposium held at Agricultural Research Station, Sita Eliya, Sri Lanka from 3rd to 4th of April, 2008. pp 149 -156.
- Srikrishnah S. and Seran T. H (2008). Performance of six new improved rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties in the Batticaloa district. Proceedings of the 7th Annual Research Session, EUSL, pp 2-12.
- Brintha I. and Seran T. H. (2008). Comparative study on yield components of vegetable amaranthus (Amaranthus tricolor L.) planted as sole and intercrop. Proceedings of the 7th Annual Research Session, EUSL, pp 22-30.
- Krishanthy A. and Seran T. H. (2008). Influence of removal of shoots tips on biomass production of greengram (Vigna radiata L.). Proceedings of the 7th Annual Research Session, EUSL, pp 89-97.
- Seran T.H. and Brintha I, H.S.Balasingham (2009). Impact on selected skill development programs on women’s income generating activities in tsunami affected area in Batticaloa district. Workshop Proceedings of CIDA (Canadian International Development Agency) restore project held at Hotel Tourmaline, Kandy from 27th - 28th March 2009, pp 199-204.
- Umadevi T., Priyatharshini J. and Seran T. H. (2009). Effect of paddy husk ash as a source of potassium on the performance of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) in sandy regosol. Proceedings of the 8th Annual Research Session, EUSL, pp 203-207.
- Suthamathy N and Seran T. H. (2009). Effect of cow manure, coir dust and paddy husk ash on physical and chemical properties of potting media. Proceedings of the 8th Annual Research Session, EUSL, pp 185-190.
- Srikrishnah S., Seran T. H. and Geretharan T. (2009). Factors influencing the selection and utilization of vegetable seeds in Manmunai South and Eruvil Pattu D.S. Division of Batticaloa. Proceedings of the 8th Annual Research Session, EUSL, pp 170-174.
- Prashaanth R, Seran T. H., Brintha I. and Sivachandiran S. (2009). Agronomic evaluation of brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) and groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) intercropping system. Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute 4(1): 17-42.
- Viharnaa S. and Seran T. H. (2011). Effect of plant spacing on fruit yield of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.). Proceedings of the 10th Annual Research Session, EUSL, pp 104-109.
- Suthamathy N. and Seran T. H. (2011). Influence of different rates of cattle manure application on the weed occurrence in groundnut (Arachis hopogae L.). Proceedings of the 10th Annual Research Session, EUSL, pp 132-139.
- Viharnaa, S., Seran T.H. and Hassaan, A.M. (2013). Dry matter content of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) fertilized with liquid organic fertilizer. Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium Vol.1, Section: Chemistry, Physics and Earth Science, South Eastern University, pp 5-10.
- Seran T.H. and Shahardeen R.N.M. ((2013). Effect of EM-Bokashi on vigorous seed production in vegetable cowpea (Vigna Unguiculata L.). Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium Vol.1, Section: Biology, Agricultural Sciences and Environmental Sciences, South Eastern University, pp 13-18.
- Suthamathy, N. and Seran T.H. (2013). Influence of effective microorganisms on root–shoot ratio and harvest index of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium Vol.1, Section: Biology, Agricultural Sciences and Environmental Sciences, South Eastern University, pp 8-12.
- Lavanya L. and Seran T.H. (2013). Microshoot formation from shoot tip of Aloe vera (L.) under in vitro conditions. In: Proceeding of 2nd International Symposium on Minor fruits and Medicinal plants for better lives, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka. pp 104-108.
- Iqbal, S., Seran, T.H., Malathy, P. and Lavanya, L. (2014). Crop performance of amaranthus (Diyapalagoda accession) produced by reaping and regrowth system. In Proceedings of International Research Conference, Jaffna University, Jaffna. pp 30-33.
- Seran, T.H., Dasinaa, S. and Imthiyas, M.S.M. (2015). Yield attributes of rice (Oryza sativa L.) as influenced by ExpertTM complex fertilizer containing macro and micro nutrients. Proceeding of 3rd International Research Session, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka held on 26th -27th January 2015. pp. 179-184.
- Viharnaa, S., Nishanthi, S. and Seran TH. (2016). Combined usage of organic and inorganic potassium on pod characteristics of cowpea (Vigna uncuigulate L.) cv Waruni. Proceedings of International Conference, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka held on 12-13 August 2016. pp 17-20.
- Imthiyas M.S.M. and Seran T.H. (2017). Effect of compost and ExpertTM fertilizer on the vegetative parameters of bush beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka (ISA 2017) held on 6th October 2017. pp 169-176.
- Afrin, M.S., Seran, T.H. and. Lakmali, K.N.D (2023). Effect of organic potting media on growth performance of rose stem cuttings. Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Science and Technology, Faculty of Technology, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka on 12th December, 2023. pp 94 - 101
Monographs published
- Seran T. H. and Srikrishnah S. (2009). Domestic Violence and Women (Tamil) (ISBN 978-955-1443-50-4) published by Eastern University, Sri Lanka (funded by CIDA).
- Seran T. H. and Brintha I. (2009). Gender and Development (Tamil) (ISBN 978-955-1443-28-3) published by Eastern University, Sri Lanka (funded by CIDA).
- Seran T. H. and Srikrishnah S. (2008). Poverty and Women (Tamil) (ISBN 978-955-1443-22-1) published by Eastern University, Sri Lanka (funded by CIDA).
News in Magazine/Newsletters (my/team activities)
- Farming Matters magazine: New markets, new values, Small Scale Agriculture for a Sustainable Society, The Netherlands June 2013: Locally rooted- Ideas and Initiatives from the field-Information for stronger organizations, page 33.
- Connections: Learning for Development magazine, Commonwealth of Learning, Canada vol 14 No.1 Feb 2009: Lifelong learning for farmers expands in Sri Lanka-2008, page 6.
- Agricultural Research News, SLCARP (Sri Lanka Council for Agricultural Research Policy), vol 11 issue 2 July to December 2011: National priorities in Agricultural Biotechnology by National Committee on Agricultural Biotechnology of SLCARP, page 3.
- SLJOL (Sri Lanka Journals Online) Newsletter No. 6 Jan-Dec 2011. Top ten articles viewed from January to December, 2011. TH Seran, S Srikrishnah, MMZ Ahamed (2010) Effect of different levels of inorganic fertilizers and compost as basal application on the growth and yield of onion (Allium cepa L.). Journal of Agricultural Sciences.
- SLJOL (Sri Lanka Journals Online) Newsletter No. 5 July-Dec 2010. Top ten articles viewed from July to December, 2010. J Priyadharshini, TH Seran (2009) Paddy husk ash as a source of potassium for growth and yield of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.). Journal of Agricultural Sciences
- UGC Newsletter, University of Grants Commission of Sri Lanka, vol 2 issue 2 Jan 2009: Hiran Tillekeratne Research Award-2008, page 2.
- QAA News, Quality Assurance and Accreditation (QAA) Council of Sri Lanka vol 2 issue 2, May-August 2007: Subject Review Assessment-Department of Agronomy, Eastern University of Sri Lanka.
- EUSL Newsletter, Eastern University of Sri Lanka, vol 5 Dec 2005: Diploma course in Sustainable Farming, page 7
Research Interest
- Plant propagation of medicinal and economic important crops
- Plant Tissue Culture Technology in crop improvement
- Use of organic manures in Crop production
- Intercropping system to increase productivity of field crops
- Horticulture
- Plant biotechnology
- Plant Tissue Culture
- Crop Production Technology
- Asia's Education Excellence Award 2018 for Women in Education Leadership –awarded by theWorld Education Congress, CMO Asia with CMO Council on 1st August 2018 at Le MeridienSentosa, Singapore.
- Presidential Award for Scientific Publication in year 2007- awarded in January 2014.
- Presidential Awards for Scientific Research in years 2005 & 2006 - awarded by H.E. the President of the Government of Sri Lanka in July 2010 (first awardee from Eastern University of Sri Lanka)
- Hiran Tillekeratne Research Award-awarded by the University Grants Commission (UGC), Sri Lanka in October 2008 (first awardee from Eastern University of Sri Lanka).
Positions Held
- Director / Centre for Sustainable Agriculture and Resource Management (CENSARM) with effect from 3rd June 2020 for a period of three years.
- Co-ordinator for Establishment of Faculty of Graduate Studies at the Eastern University, Sri Lanka from 2015 to 2022
- Activity Co-ordinator for the ELTA-ELSE Faculty Development project for the Faculty of Agriculture under the Accelerating Higher Education Expansion and Development Operation (AHEAD) from 1st Oct 2019 to 30th March 2023.
- Course Co-ordinator for the Interfaculty courses with effect from 1st December 2020 for a period of two year.
- Chairperson for Faculty Research Committee from 1st Nov 2019-to 30th Nov 2021.
- Co-ordinator for Establishing Faculty of Technology at the Eastern University, Sri Lanka in 2014.
- Member/Standing Committee on Postgraduate Studies and Research, UGC (EUSL Representative) from April 2019 – December 2022.
- Member of the Jury as per the appointment made by H.E. the President of Sri Lanka to serve in the evaluation panel - “President Awards for Inventions 2017-2022” for locally patented inventions, Sri Lanka Inventors, Commission (SLIC) under the purview of the Ministry of Education, Sri Lanka.
- Member in the Asian Council of Science Editors from 21st July 2021 to 31st December 2022.
- Associate Editor / Sarhad Journal of Agriculture (SJA) published by the University of Agriculture, Peshawar, Pakistan with effect from 1st July 2019 for a period of two years.
- Acting Head / Agricultural Economics for a period of two months from 1st Oct 2019.
- Joint Co-Chair/4th International Conference, Eastern University, Sri Lanka (ICE) held in March 2016
- Actg Director/Staff Development Centre, Eastern University, Sri Lanka for about 8 months from Nov 2014
- Chairperson / Faculty Curriculum Committee from July 2014–Oct 2017
- Chairperson / Faculty Corporate Plan Committee in 2012
- Actg Head / Department of Crop Science from March 2014 to June 2014
- Head / Department of Crop Science for a period of three years from 1st March 2011
- First Head / Department of Crop Science for a period of three years from Dec 2007
- Head / Department of Agronomy from June 2007 to Nov 2007
- Acting Head / Department of Agronomy from April 2007 to May 2007
- Editor / Journal of AGRIEAST for a period of one year from April 2007
- Coordinator / L3 (Life long Learning) Farmers Project-Eastern University from June 2008 to Dec 2010 (funded by Commonwealth of Learning, Canada)
- Coordinator / Gender Issues programme under CIDA Restore Project-Eastern University for a period of two years from 2008 (Funded by Canada)
- Coordinator / Diploma study programme in Sustainable Farming from August 2005-July 2009 (Collaboration with “Operation Days Work in Sri Lanka” – (Funded by Norway)
- PIC / Enhancement of students’ skills in Agro-Technology under Improving Relevance and Quality Undergraduate Education (IRQUE) Project-Eastern University from June 2006-June 2010 (Funded by World Bank)
- Student Counsellor, Eastern University from Nov 2001 to March 2002 and August 2006 to Sep 2010
- Member of International Organizing Committee of the 2017 International Conference on Agricultural and Food Science & 7th International Conference on Biotechnology and Bioengineering (ICAFS 2017 & ICBB), October 25-27, 2017, Lahore, Pakistan.
- Member of National committee on Agricultural Biotechnology, Sri Lanka Council for Agricultural Research Policy (SLCARP) for a period of three years from July 2009