Dr. (Mrs.) Krishnal Thirumarpan

Dr.(Mrs.) Krishnal Thirumarpan
B.Sc. Agric. (EUSL), M. Sc (UPDN, SL), M.Phil. (UPDN, SL),
Ph.D. (University of Reading, UK)
Senior Lecturer Gr. I
Department of Agricultural Economics
Faculty of Agriculture
Tel (Office): +94 (0) 65 224 0759
Fax: +94 (0) 65 2240740
Email: krishnalt@esn.ac.lk / skrish_16@yahoo.com
B.Sc. Agric. (EUSL), M. Sc (UPDN, SL), M.Phil. (UPDN, SL),
Ph.D. (University of Reading, UK)
Senior Lecturer Gr. I
Department of Agricultural Economics
Faculty of Agriculture
Tel (Office): +94 (0) 65 224 0759
Fax: +94 (0) 65 2240740
Email: krishnalt@esn.ac.lk / skrish_16@yahoo.com
Educational Qualification:
- PhD in Agricultural, Environmental and Food Economics. University of Reading, United Kingdom
- M. Phil in Agricultural Economics, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
- M. Sc. in Plant Protection Technology, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
- B. Sc. (Hons.) in Agriculture (First Class), Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
Work Experience:
- Senior Lecturer (I) in the Department of Agric. Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka from 2017 February- up to date.
- Senior Lecturer (II) in the Department of Agric. Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka from 2011 – 2017 January
- Lecturer (Prob.) in the Department of Agric. Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka from 2005 – 2011.
- Demonstrator in the Department of Agricultural Biology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. 2005.
- Temp. Asst. Lecturer in the Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. From 2003- 2005
Research Publications in Refereed Journals
- M. A. Sachintha Prasad Jayasinghe and Krishnal Thirumarpan (2020). Perception and Practices Towards Pesticides and Associated Health Impacts Among Vegetable Farmers in Badulla. Journal of Agricultural Sciences – Sri Lanka, 15(2), pp.173–187. 2020. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/jas.v15i2.8798
- I.G.N.S. Ilukdeniya1 and Krishnal Thirumarpan. (2020). Recreational Value of the Pigeon Island National Park, Sri Lanka. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Review. Volume 4 (3) pp. 126-144. 2020
- Herath H. M. L. and Krishnal Thirumarpan. Climate change induced adaptation strategies by paddy farmers: Special Emphasis on Socio economic insights. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Sri Lanka. 12 (2). 2017
- Krishnal Thirumarpan and Weerahewa, J. 2014. Structure and species diversity of traditional homegardens in Batticaloa district. Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 9 (3) : 139- 146
- Krishnal Thirumarpan and M.S.A. Dilsath. 2016. Household willingness to pay for improved solid waste management in Batticaloa, Sri Lanka. International Journal of Tropical Agricultural Research and Extension, Volume 18 (2), 2015
- Krishnal Thirumarpan and Dayani, H.(2014). Behavior of household Dry fish consumption in Trincomalee District. Journal of Social Review, Volume 3(1 ), pp 69- 76
- Krishnal Thirumarpan. Determinants of Household Food Security of Paddy Farmers in Batticaloa District, Sri Lanka, International Journal of Tropical Agricultural Research and Extension, Volume 17 (3 and 4), 2014.
- S.A.U.M.Senanayake ,Krishnal Thirumarpan and T.Thiruchelvam. 2016. Types of waste and disposal methods: a study based on industries in Gampaha district. International Journal of Advanced Research and Review. IJARR, 1(5), 2016; 34-41
- H.M.L. Herath , Krishnal Thirumarpan and T.Thiruchelvam. 2016. Status of paddy production in a major paddy producing and highly ecologically vulnerable district of Sri Lanka- a study in Anuradhapura district. International Journal of Advanced Research and Review IJARR, 1(4), 2016; 154-159
- Krishnal, S, Hemachandra, K. S. and Raveendranath. S (2006). Evaluation of the adoption of Integrated Management of vegetable pests in Batticaloa district of Sri Lanka. Journal of Agriculture Science (AGRIEAST) Volume 6.
Publications in the proceedings of international symposiums / conferences
- Sachintha Prasad Jayasinghe, Krishnal Thirumarpan and Hariharan (2019). Farmer’s knowledge on pesticide usage in vegetable cultivation in Badulla district, Sri Lanka, Proceedings of the 6th Ruhuna International Science and Technology Conference (RISTCON, 2019), University of Ruhuna
- Krishnal Thirumarpan (2018). Household willingness to pay for indigenous chicken: A case study of Batticaloa Municipal area, Proceedings of the International symposium on Agriculture and Environment, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka.
- Krishnal Thirumarpan and S. Jeyapriya (2017). Health Impacts of Pesticides among Paddy Farming Communities of Batticaloa District, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the International Symposium on “Business, Economic, Social science and Humanities” (BESSH-2017), Singapore
- S.A.U.M.Senanayake, Krishnal Thirumarpan and T.Thiruchelvam (2016). Water pollution; Sources, Effects and Strategies for prevention in Gampaha District. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment. Pp 116-124.
- M. S. M.Minhajkhan, Krishnal Thirumarpan and T.Thiruchelvam (2016). Existing status of drinking water and household willingness to pay for safe drinking water in Ampara district. Proceedings of the South Asian Symposium on Sustainable Environment Management. Pp 101-103
- Krishnal Thirumarpan , T.Thiruchelvam , M.S.A.Dilsath and M. S. M.Minhajkhan (2015). Household Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices in Solid Waste Segregation and Management: A study in Eravur Urban Council area, Batticaloa district, Proceedings of the5th International Symposium, South Eastern University, Sri Lanka. Pp 199- 206.
- Krishnal Thirumarpan (2014). Factors Affecting the Production of Cashew in Batticaloa District. Proceedings of the 04th International Symposium, South Eastern University, Sri Lanka. Pp 319- 322
- Krishnal Thirumarpan (2014). Determinants of household food expenditure among rural households of Ampara district. Proceedings of the 04th International Symposium, South Eastern University, Sri Lanka. Pp 325- 330
- Krishnal Thirumarpan and S Jeyapriya. (2014). Pesticide usage pattern among Paddy farmers in Batticaloa District. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka. Pp 437- 440
- S. Jeyapriya and Krishnal Thirumarpan. Current status of Paddy production in Batticaloa District with reference to different seasons. Proceedings of the Third International Conference, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. 4th and 5th December, 2014.
- Krishnal. S, Weerahewa. J and Gunaratne, L. H. P. (2012). Role of homegardens in achieving Food security in Batticaloa District, Sri Lanka. International Proceedings of Economics Development and Research. IPEDR Vol.32. pp 79- 83.
Publications in the proceedings of the Annual Research Sessions
- Krishnal, S (2011) Dynamic roles of rural women on vegetable farms in Batticaloa district. Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Research Session- 2011, Eastern University of Sri Lanka.pp 331- 335
- Krishnal, S and Navatheepan, K. (2009). Effectiveness of information sources on farmer’s adoption of recommended technologies in paddy farming- Trincomalee district Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Research Session- 2009, Eastern University of Sri Lanka. Pp 125- 129.
- Lalini, T. A. Krishnal, S, Sureshsundar, S. and Kajamugan, A (2004) Possibilities of multiplying Trichoderma sp. in coconut water medium as a substitute for Oatmeal Agar medium. Proceedings of the third Annual Research Session. Eastern University of Sri Lanka. Pp 39- 44.
- Sureshsundar, S. and ArulMaheswaran, S and Krishnal, S (2004) Effect of different growing conditions on fruit quality of pineapple (Ananas comosus L.) in Batticaloa. - Proceedings of the Third Annual Research Session, Eastern University of Sri Lanka. Pp 31- 38
Publications of the International and National symposiums as Abstracts
- S.C.T Dilshani and Krishnal Thirumarpan (2024). Farmer’s perception and adaptation strategies toward climate change: a case in Sri Lanka. Technological Advances in Science, Medicine and Engineering Conference (TASME, 2024) p. 166.
- Krishnal Thirumarpan and J. Jeyapragash. (2024). Adaptation strategies towards climate change: Insights of Homegardeners in Ampara District. International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (ICMR 2024). p.52
- Theekshana Chathuranga, Krishnal Thirumarpan and J. Jeyapragash (2023) Urban consumer’s attitude and willingness to pay towards organic food consumption in Kalutara district. Proceedings of International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (ICMR 2023) Eastern University, Sri Lanka with Sri Sathya Sai University for Human Excellence, India. Pp-31
- Krishnal Thirumarpan (2022) Homegardens in Ampara district: A promising way to improve the food security of rural poor. Proceedings of 9th Ruhuna International Science & Technology Conference University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka. Pp- 74
- Kanishka C. Fernando, Krishnal Thirumarpan and J. Jeyapragash (2021) Socio- economic determinants of small-scale paddy farming: a case in Kalutara district Proceedings of the 4th National Symposium on Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka pp- 8
- Kanishka C. Fernando and Krishnal Thirumarpan (2021) Economic analysis of small holder paddy farmer’s irrigation problems in Kalutara district. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment 2021 (ISAE 2021). Pp 59
- I.G.N.S. Ilukdeniya, Krishnal Thirumarpan and S.A.U.M. Senanayake (2020). Recreational Value of the Pigeon Island National Park, Sri Lanka Proceedings of the International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment 2020 (ISAE 2020). Pp 12
- Jayasinghe M.A.S.P, Thirumarpan K. and Hariharan G.(2019) Farmers’ knowledge on pesticide usage in vegetable cultivation in Badulla district, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of 6th Ruhuna International Science & Technology Conference University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka. Pp- 49
- Krishnal Thirumarpan and Hariharan G.(2017). Farmers’ Perceptions and assessment of the information needs of paddy farmers in Batticaloa district. Abstracts of the Third International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences. University of Ruhuna. Pp 210
- M. S. M.Minhajkhan , Krishnal Thirumarpan , T.Thiruchelvam , and G. Hariharan. (2016). Access to safe drinking water: Challenges in Ampara district. Abstracts of the International Conference on Peace, Reconciliation and Development Challenges (ICPRD 2016) of University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka. Pp 43
- Ponniah Sivarajah and Krishnal Thirumarpan.(2014). Rural Markets of the Eastern Province: Opportunities and challenges for Regional Development. Book of Abstracts. SLCARP International Agricultural Research Symposium. Pp 70
- Krishnal, T. (2013). Household food security status of rural poor in Batticaloa district. Based on Coping Strategies Index. Proceedings of the International Conference Eastern University of Sri Lanka.
- Dayani, H. and Krishnal, T (2013). Dry fish production in Trincomalee district: Status and Prospects. Proceedings of the International Conference Eastern University of Sri Lanka.
- Dayani, H. and Krishnal, T. (2013). Dry fish consumption in Trincomalee district: Status and Prospects. Abstracts of the Seventh Annual Research Forum, Sri Lanka Agricultural Economics Association. Pp 9
- Krishnal. S and Sivarajah. P. (2011). Reviving livelihoods of resettler’s through promotion of home gardens in Batticaloa district. Abstracts of the National Conference on Regional Development. South Eastern University of Sri Lanka. Pp 30
- Krishnal, S and Weerahewa, J. (2010). Diversity and species structure of homegardens in Batticaloa. Abtracts of the Fifteenth International Forestry and Environment Symposium- University of Sri Jayawardenapura, Sri Lanka. Pp 36
- Krishnal, S and Weerahewa, J.(2010). Traditional Homegardens and rural livelihoods in Batticaloa. – Abstrcts of the Ninth Annual Research Session- 2010, Eastern University of Sri Lanka. Pp 94
- Krishnal, S and Raveendranath, S (2003). Evaluation of some selected botanicals against the larvae of Diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella L. on cabbage. Abstract of 59th Annual Session, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science. Pp 45
Research Interest
- Resource and Environmental Economics
- Environmental valuation
- Tourism Economics
- Climate change adaptation
- Food security
- Agribusiness Management.
- Agribusiness Management
- Environmental Economics
- Natural Resource Economics
- Environmental valuation
- Agricultural Marketing
- Commonwealth Post Graduate Scholarship award tenable in United Kingdom, to pursue PhD degree in Agricultural, Environmental and Food Economics in University of Reading, United Kingdom.
- Won the “People’s choice award" for the Best Research Image at the Doctoral Research Conference-2022, held at the University of Reading, United Kingdom.
- Kannappar Namasivayam Memorial award- 2003. For the overall best performance at the Bachelor of the Science of Agriculture Degree Programme 2001/ 2002
- Batticaloa Lion’s award- 2000- for the Best performance at the first year examination of the Bachelor of the Science of Agriculture- 1997/ 1998.
Positions Held
- Chairperson / Faculty Research Committee from February 2024
- Secretary to the Eastern University Economists Consortium (EUEC)
- Head/ Department of Agricultural Economics from 2023 to date.
- Coordinator for Inter Faculty courses- Faculty of Agriculture
- Chairperson of the Technical sessions of 12th Research Conference of the Sri Lanka Forum of University Economists, Sri Lanka Economic Research Conference – (SLERC), Southeastern University - 2023.
- Member of the organising committee of 11th Research Conference of the Sri Lanka Forum of University Economists, Sri Lanka Economic Research Conference – (SLERC), 2023.
- Member of Editorial Board of Sri Lanka Journal of Economic Research, Volume 11, Issue 2
- Member of the organizing committee of First International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research 2023(ICMR, 2023)
- Member of the Senate subcommittee for General Convocation 2015 -2018, 2022-2024
- Editorial Board member for the First International Symposium on Agriculture- 2017
- Member of the Committee for Self-Evaluation Report Preparation for Institutional Review
- Member of Faculty Curriculum Committee Faculty of Agriculture
- Member to the Senate from 2014 to 2017
- Member of the Convocation committee for 2015 -2018, 2022-2024
- Member of the National Symposium on Agriculture- 2015
- Senior Treasurer for the Academic Year 2006/ 2007 of the University Students’ Common Union, Eastern University, Sri Lanka
- Secretary for the International Conference of the Eastern University, Sri Lanka, 2013
- Coordinator for Internal Quality Assurance Cell- Faculty of Agriculture – from 2014- 2018
- Coordinator for Staff Development center- Faculty of Agriculture from 2013- 2016
- Associate- Editor of the Journal of Agricultural Science (AGRIEAST) Volume 6, volume 7 and volume 8.
- Student Counselor in Eastern University for the Academic year 2006/ 2007, 2007/ 2008, 2008/ 2009 and 2009/ 2010.
- Associate- Editor of Faculty of Agriculture Silver Jubilee News letter- 2007
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