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Mrs. Brintha Karunarathna


Mrs. Brintha Karunarathna
B.Sc. Agric.(EUSL), M.Phil. (UPDN, SL)
Senior Lecturer Gr. II
Department of Crop Science
Faculty of Agriculture
Eastern University, Sri Lanka
Tel: Office: +94 (0)65 2240760, Mobile: +94 (0) 776651937, Fax: +94 (0) 652240740


Educational Qualification:

  • M.Phil in Bio statistics – University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka (2015) 
  • B.Sc. Agric. (Hons), Eastern University, Sri Lanka (2007)

Work Experience:

  • 2015 March 27th to present : Senior Lecturer (Gr.II ), Department of Crop Science, Faculty of Agriculture, EUSL
  • 2009 November 04th to 2015 March 26th: Lecturer, Dept. of Crop Science, Faculty of Agriculture, EUSL
  • 2008-2009: Assistant Lecturer, Dept. of Crop Science, Faculty of Agriculture, EUSL


(a) Publication in Research Journals

  1. Brintha Karunarathna and Kumuthini D Harris, (2016). Effect of coconut water on the cutting establishment of Ixora (Ixora coccinea L.). International Journal of Advanced Research and Review, 1(11):27-33.
  2. Brintha Karunarathna and Thayamini H. Seran. (2016). Field evaluation of cattle manure along with effective microorganisms on growth and yield of capsicum (Capsicum annum L.). International Journal of Advanced Research and Review, 1(4):10-18.
  3. Brintha, N.K.K., Samita, S., Abeynayake, N.R., Idirisinghe, I.M.S.K. and Kumarathunga, A.M.D.P. (2014). Use of unobserved components model for forecasting non-stationary time series: A case of annual national coconut production in Sri Lanka. Tropical Agricultural Research., 25(4):523-531.
  4. Brintha, N.K.K., Samita, S. and Abeynayake, N.R. (2013). Smoothing techniques for short term forecasting of coconut production in Sri lanka. Mathematical Sciences International Research Journal. 2(2): 84-587.
  5. Brintha, I. and Seran, T.H. (2012). Effect of intercropping chilli (Capsicum annum l.) with onion (Allium cepa L.) in sandy regosol. Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 37(3): 547-550.
  6. Seran, T. H. and Brintha, I. (2011). The residual effect of paddy husk ash applied to proceeding crop of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) on succeeding crop of Amaranthus (Amaranthus tricolor L.). World Journal of Agriculture Sciences, 7(3):316-319.
  7. Prashaanth, R., Seran, T.H., Brintha, I. and Sivachandiran, S. (2010). Yield and yield components of Brinjal (Solanum melongene L.) as affected by groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) intercropping. J.Agric. Res., 48(4):497-503.
  8. Seran, T. H. and Brintha, I. (2010). Review on Maize Based Intercropping. Journal of Agronomy, 9 (3): 135-145.
  9. Seran, T. H. and Brintha, I. (2009). Study on biological and economic efficiency of Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) intercropped with Vegetable amaranthus (Amaranthus tricolor L.), The open Horticulture Journal, 2: 17-21.
  10. Seran, T. H. and Brintha, I. (2009). Studies on determining a suitable capsicum vegetable cowpea intercropping pattern, Karnataka Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 22(5):1153-1154.
  11. Brintha, I. and Seran, T.H. (2009). Productivity and economics of brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) intercropping. Journal of food and agriculture, 2(1) :1-7.
  12. Brintha, I. and Seran, T. H. (2008). Effect of paired row planting of Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) intercropped with Vegetable amaranthus (Amaranthus tricolor L.) on yield components of radish in sandy regosol. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 4: 19-28.

(b) Publications in conference/symposium :
Full paper

  1. Silva, L.H.A.M., Abeynayake, N.R. and Brintha, N.K.K. (2014). Forecasting Paddy Production of Batticaloa District: Linear Time Series Models. Proceedings of 13th Agricultural Research Symposium, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. Pp121-125.
  2. Brintha, N.K.K and Abeynayake, N.R. (2014). Paddy yield forecasting in Batticaloa district through ARIMA model. Proceedings of the Young Scientist Forum symposium-2013 held at Hector Kobbekaduwa Agrarian Research and Training Institute, Colombo on 7th February 2014. Pp24.
  3. Brintha, I. and Seran, T. H. (2008). Comparative study on yield components of Vegetable amaranthus (Amaranthus tricolor L.) planted as sole and intercrop. Proceeding of the seventh annual research session 2008, Eastern University of Sri Lanka, Pp. 22-30.
  4. Seran, T.H., Brintha, I. and Balasingham, H.S. (2009).Impact of selected skill development programs on women’s income generating activities in tsunami affected areas in Batticaloa district. Rebuilding of tsunami affected areas in the Southern and the Eastern provinces of Sri Lanka. Workshop proceedings. Pp 199-204.


  1. Brintha, N.K.K., Samita, S. and Abeynayake, N.R. (2014). Rectifying for outliers in Autoregressive Fractionally Integrated Moving Average models with an application to coconut production in Sri Lanka. National Development through Research and Innovation, HETC symposium 2014. Held in Colombo during July 7-8, 2014. Pp 90.
  2. Brintha, N.K.K., Samita, S. and Abeynayake, N.R. (2014). Ex-post analysis for forecasting coconut crop production. International conference on food, biological and medical sciences, held in Thailand during January 28-29, 2014. Pp 148.
  3. Brintha, N.K.K., Samita, S. and Abeynayake, N.R. (2013). Forecasting annual coconut production in Sri Lanka with univariate Box-Jenkins models. International conference on computing, mathematics and statistics, programme book. Held in Malaysia during August 28th-29th.
  4. Brintha, N.K.K., and Samita, S. (2013). Trend of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) production in Sri Lanka for the period 1950-2011. 8th international congress on climate change, territorial classification and socio economic crisis, Book of abstract. held in India during April 23rd -27th, 2013. Pp 40.
  5. Brintha, I. and Seran, T. H. (2012). Effect of cattle manure with effective micro organisums on growth and yield of Capsicum (Capsicum annum L.). Proceeding of the Young Scientist Forum Symposium 2011. Pp 6.
  6. Brintha, I. and Seran, T. H.(2011). Effect of picking time and storage conditions on germinations and seedlings growth of chilli (Capsicum annum L.). Proceedings of the 67th Annual Session, The Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science.
  7. Brintha, I. and Seran, T. H. (2010). Effect of weed density in chilli legume intercropping. Proceedings of the 66th Annual Session, The Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science, Pp 39.
  8. Prashaanth,R., Seran, T.H., Brintha, I. and Sivachandiran, S. (2009). Agronomic evaluation of Brinjal (Solanum melongene L.) and groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) intercropping system. Pandit G.P. Wickramarachchi Memorial Research Symposium 2008/2009. Pp 12.

(c) Others
(1) Book Publication (Tamil)

  1. Seran, T. H. and Brintha, I. (2008). Gender and development. ISBN 978-955-1443-28-3. Publication of CIDA restore project, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.

(2) Magazine Articles

  1. Brintha, I. (2003).Rain water harvesting. Yermunai, Annual Magazine of Students’ Union, Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. 8: 37-40.
  2. Brintha, I. (2004). Mad cow disease. Yermunai, Annual Magazine of Students’ Union, Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. 9: 34.
  3. Brintha, I. (2007).Vermicompost. Yermunai, Annual Magazine of Students’ Union, Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. 11: 5-7.
  4. Brintha, I. (2007). Mangroves in Sri Lanka. Valarum Viluthukal, Annual Magazine of Students’ Union of Eastern University, Sri Lanka. 1: 18-19.

Research Interest

  • Studies on Intercropping and cropping systems
  • Forecasting techniques
  • Experimental designs 
  • Statistical modeling
  • Climate change and environmental modeling


  • Introductory Statistics
  • Design and Analysis of Experiments
  • Forestry and cropping systems
  • Fruit Crop Managements
  • Agronomy of Field Crops


  • Best presenter award for the session at “Third Young Scientist Forum (YSF) symposium 2013” held at Hector Kobbekaduwa Agrarian Research and Training Institute, Colombo on 7th February 2014.
  • Awarded scholarships for Mphil under HRD program of the HETC project in 2012.
  • Got Kannappar Namasivayam Memorial Award 2008 for the overall best performance at the examination of the Bachelor of the Science of Agriculture.
  • Obtained Somasundaram Memorial first class Award 2008 for the obtaining first class in all four years in the examination of the Bachelor of the Science of Agriculture
  • Obtained Batticaloa Lions Award 2004 for the best performance in 1st year examination of the Bachelor of the Science of Agriculture.
  • Awarded for Good performance at the G.C.E (O/L) examination by St. Joseph’s convent, Batticaloa in 1997.

Positions Held

  • Associate Editor, AGRIEAST, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, EUSL. 2017.
  • Coordinatior for Vegetable Seed Production and Marketing Unit, Faculty of Agriculture, EUSL from 24.10.2014 to date
  • Student councellor, Eastern University, Sri Lanka during 2010/2011 and 2015 to date.
  • Coordinator for Undergraduate Research Forum – 2015, Faculty of Agriculture, EUSL 2015
  • Member, University Calendar Preparation Committee, EUSL (2015).