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Dr. M.S. Mohamed Nafees


Dr. M.S. Mohamed Nafees
B.Sc. Agric. (EUSL, Sri Lanka), M.Phil (UPDN, Sri Lanka), PhD (UPM, Malaysia)
Senior Lecturer (Gr-1) 
Expertise: Aquaculture Nutrition
Department of Animal Science
Faculty of Agriculture
Telephone: 077 361 9331


Dr. Mohamed Nafees has been serving as a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Animal Science at the Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka (EUSL), since 2012. He earned his Bachelor of Science Honors in Agriculture with First Class, specializing in Animal Science, from EUSL in 2005. Following his undergraduate studies, he worked as an Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Animal Science for a year (March 2005 to March 2006) before being appointed as a permanent lecturer in May 2006. He completed his Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in Aquatic Bioresources Management and Aquaculture at the Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, in 2012. His MPhil research focused on assessing the post-tsunami socioeconomic conditions of fishers in Thampalakamam Bay, Kinniya. In 2022, he was awarded a PhD in Aquaculture Nutrition from Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Malaysia. His doctoral research explored the utilization of dietary carbohydrates in the growth and development of tinfoil barb fry (Barbonymus schwanenfeldii, Bleeker 1853). While his primary research interests lie in aquaculture and aquaculture nutrition, he possesses a diverse skill set that extends to fisheries, and livestock and poultry productions, enabling him to contribute to a wide range of scientific studies within these fields.

Links to Publications


Refereed Journal Articles

  1. Nafees, M. S. M., Kamarudin, M. S., Karim, M., Hassan, M. Z., & de Cruz, C. R. (2023). Effects of dietary fiber on growth, feed efficiency and nutrient utilization of tinfoil barb (Barbonymus schwanenfeldii, Bleeker 1853) fry. Aquaculture Reports, 32, 101743.
  2. Nafees, M. S. M., Kamarudin, M. S., Karim, M., Hassan, M. Z., & de Cruz, C. R. (2022). Effects of dietary starch sources on growth, nutrient utilization and liver histology of juvenile tinfoil barb (Barbonymus schwanenfeldii, Bleeker 1853). Aquaculture Reports, 23, 101069.
  3. Nafees, M. S. M., Kamarudin, M. S., Karim, M., Hassan, M. Z., & de Cruz, C. R. (2022). Effects of native and pregelatinized starches on feed physical properties, digestibility, growth, nutrient utilization and histology of liver and intestine of juvenile tinfoil barb (Barbonymus schwanenfeldii, Bleeker 1853). Aquaculture Research, 53, 5142–5158.
  4. Nafees, M. S. M., Mohanthas, Y., & Pagthinathan, M. (2019). Dietary replacement of fishmeal by sprat-head meal and its effect on the growth performances of broiler chicken. International Journal of Research Publication, 34(1), 1–8.
  5. Nafees, M. S. M., Kumara, W. S. M. H., & Pagthinathan, M. (2018). Effect of dietary replacement of fishmeal with rejected chicken meat on growth performances of Cyprinus carpio var. Koi (Linnaeus, 1758) juveniles. International Journal of Research Publications Effect, 10(1).
  6. Pagthinathan, M., & Nafees, M. S. M. (2018). Physicochemical properties and sensory evaluation of fermented sausage using probiotic Bifidobacterium. International Journal of Research Publication, 12(1), 1–8.
  7. Pagthinathan, M., Thushanthini, S., & Nafees, M. S. M. (2018). Effects of somatic cell counts in milk on physical and chemical characteristics of yoghurt. International Journal of Research Publication, 11(1), 347. 
  8. Nafees, M. S. M., & Pagthinathan, M. (2017). Effect of dietary supplementation of Lactobacilli and Streptococci cultures on the performance of broiler chickens. Journal of Agricultural Sciences (AGRIEAST), 11(2), 34–40.
  9. Pagthinathan, M., & Nafees, M. S. M. (2016). Production and evaluation of low fat cheddar cheese using buffalo milk. International Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and Plantation, 4, 97–106.
  10. Sanotharan, N., Pagthinathan, M., & Nafees, M. S. M. (2016). Prevalence of bovine subclinical mastitis and its association with bacteria and risk factors in milking cows of Batticaloa district in Sri Lanka. International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology, 3(6), 137–150.
  11. Nafees, M. S. M., & Pagthinathan, M. (2015). Dietary enrichment of broiler chicken with omega-3 fatty acids and beneficial role in human cardiovascular health: A Review. Journal of Agricultural Sciences (AGRIEAST), 10, 27–35.
  12. Pagthinathan, M., & Nafees, M. S. M. (2015). Biochemistry of cheese ripening. Journal of Agricultural Sciences (AGRIEAST), 10, 16–26.
  13. Nafees, M. S. M., Athauda, A. R. S. B., & Edirisinghe, U. (2014). Structure of a coastal fishing community and the economical implications of coastal fishers in Thampalakamam Bay. Journal of the National Aquatic Resources Research & Development Agency of Sri Lanka, 43, 37–52.
  14. Nafees, M. S. M., Athauda, A. R. S. B., & Edirisinghe, U. (2009). Impacts of tsunami and security situations on marine fisheries of Kinniya, Trincomalee. Tropical Agricultural Research, 21(1), 80–88. 

Conference Full Papers

  1. Nafees, M. S. M., & Jeyamalar, R. (2005). Performance analysis of dairy cattle and socio-economic analysis of dairy cattle farmers in Trincomalee District. 5th Annual Research Session, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, Chenkalady, Sri Lanka, 230–240.
  2. Pagthinathan, M., Dasinaa, S., Nafees, M. S. M., & Ramees, M. L. M. (2016). Effects of environmental and animal factors on conception rate at the time of insemination of sahiwal cattle in dry zone of Sri Lanka. 6th International Symposium 2016 (IntSym 2016), Sammanthurai, Sri Lanka, 291–296.


  1. Subalini, T., Nafees, M. S. M and Pagthinathan, M. (2006). Recent Research in Livestock Production. Department of Animal Science, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. (ISBN: 978-955-1443-08-05)
  2. Nafees, M. S. M and Pagthinathan, M. (2006). Improved Feeding Trends and Digestion of Ruminants. Department of Animal Science, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. (ISBN: 978-955-1443-09-02)

Book Chapters

  1. Premakumar, K and Nafees, M. S. M. (2006). Overview of fish processing technology. In K. Premakumar (Ed.), Training on Appropriate Postharvest Management of Agricultural Produce (pp. 154 – 160): Faulty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka in partnership with British Council, Sri Lanka.

Compiled Manuals/Books

  1. Proceedings of the 6th National Symposium on Agriculture 2024, Faulty of Agriculture, 6 March, 2024. Compiled by Nafees, M. S. M. and Prasannath, K., Faulty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
  2. Nafees, M. S. M. (2006). Workshop on Agricultural Practices. Faulty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. (compiled in Tamil language)


  1. Nafees, M.S.M., Salleh, M.S., Karim, M., Hassan, M.Z., de Cruz, C.R., 2024. Dietary starch utilization level of tinfoil barb (Barbonymus schwanenfeldii, Bleeker 1853) fry, in: Proceedings of the 28th Annual Technological Advances in Science, Medicine, and Engineering (TASME 2024) Conference (Hybrid Conference). Toronto, p. 146.
  2. Nafees, M. S. M., Kamarudin, M. S., Karim, M., Hassan, M. Z., & de Cruz, C. R. (2022). Aeromonas hydrophila infection variably affects the survival of tinfoil barb (Barbonymus schwanenfeldii, Bleeker 1853) fry-fed dietary sugars and starch. 6th International Congress on Fisheries and Aquatic Research, Gorgan, Iran, 31.
  3. Nafees, M. S. M., Kamarudin, M. S., Karim, M., Hassan, M. Z., & de Cruz, C. R. (2022). Changes in growth, nutrient utilization, intestine and liver among tinfoil barb (Barbonymus schwanenfeldii, Bleeker 1853) fry fed varying dietary fiber level. 6th International Congress on Fisheries and Aquatic Research, Gorgan, Iran, 32.
  4. Nafees, M. S. M., Kamarudin, M. S., Karim, M., Hassan, M. Z., & de Cruz, C. R. (2021). Sources of dietary starch influence the growth, nutrient utilization, and intestinal α-amylase activity of tinfoil barb (Barbonymus schwanenfeldii, Bleeker 1853) juveniles. 5th International Congress on Fisheries and Aquatic Research, Penang, Malaysia, 40.
  5. Nafees, M. S. M., Kamarudin, M. S., Karim, M., Hassan, M. Z., & de Cruz, C. R. (2020). Length-weight relationship, relative condition factor and growth of tinfoil barb (Barbonymus schwanenfeldii, Bleeker 1853) juveniles fed with varying levels of dietary carbohydrate. 4th International Congress on Fisheries and Aquatic Research, Tehran, Iran, 234.
  6. Jothirathna, M. W. H. H., Nafees, M. S. M., & Radampola, K. (2018). Partial replacement of fishmeal by cassava leaf meal in the diet of Xiphophorus maculatus juveniles improves their growth parameters. International Scientific Sessions of NARA 2018, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 17.
  7. Kumara, W. S. M. H., Nafees, M. S. M., & Pagthinathan, M. (2017). Growth performance of ornamental koi carp (Cyprinus carpio) fed on a diet supplemented with meat meal made out of rejected chicken. NARA Scientific Sessions 2017, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 10.
  8. Mirnalini, T., Nafees, M. S. M., Pagthinathan, M., & Ravikumar, S. (2016). Healthier water quality parameters ensured acceptable length-weight relationship of Penaeus monodon in Batticaloa, Sri Lanka. NARA Scientific Sessions 2016, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 39–41.
  9. Pagthinathan, M., Kopika, K., & Nafees, M. S. M. (2016). Development and investigation of cow milk yoghurt by incorporating kitul sap. 4th International Conference, Eastern University, Sri Lanka (ICE - 2016), Vantharumoolai, Sri Lanka, 3.
  10. Sumanthiran, T., Nafees, M. S. M., & Pagthinathan, M. (2015). Indigenous knowledge used in exploitation of edible bivalves in Thampalakamam Bay. National Symposium on Agriculture 2015, Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, Chenkalady, Sri Lanka, 54–55.
  11. Sumanthiran, T., Nafees, M. S. M., & Pagthinathan, M. (2015). Potential of Thampalakamam Bay to develop the edible bivalve industry in Sri Lanka. NARA Scientific Sessions 2015, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 4–6.
  12. Tharmiga, R., Pagthinathan, M., & Nafees, M. S. M. (2015). Development and investigation of garlic added yoghurt using cow milk. International Conference on Dry Zone Agriculture 2015 (ICDA 2015), University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka, Jaffna, Sri Lanka, 58.
  13. Nafees, M. S. M., Athauda, A. R. S. B., & Edirisinghe, U. (2013). Socio-economic status of coastal fishers in Thampalakamam Bay of Kinniya. NARA Scientific Sessions 2013, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 65.
  14. Pagthinathan, M., & Nafees, M. S. M. (2013). Performance of Sahiwal in relation to environmental parameters in the dry zone of Sri Lanka. 2nd Annual Science Research Session (ASRS) - 2013, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, Sammanthurai, Sri Lanka, 6. 

Research Interest

  1. Aquaculture Nutrition
  2. Fisheries and Aquaculture
  3. Livestock Production Systems
  4. Animal Husbandry
  5. Fish Processing Technology


  1. Anatomy and Physiology of Aquatic Animals
  2. Fisheries and Aquaculture
  3. Practices in Farm Animal Production
  4. Livestock Breeding
  5. Feed and Feeding Practices in Aquaculture
  6. Culture of Ornamental Fish and Aquatic Plants
  7. Shrimp Production Technology

Positions Held

  1. Project Team Member – Agricultural Revitalization in Higher Education Institutions of Asian Countries (AGRHI) – Capacity building in the field of higher education under the ERASMUS+ programme of the European Union at Eastern University, Sri Lanka from 01.12.2023 to date.
  2. Member of By-Law Committee, Eastern University, Sri Lanka from 08.11.2023 to date.
  3. Chairman for the Faculty Curriculum Development Committee, Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka from 01.11.2023 to date.
  4. Member of the Sports Advisory Board, Eastern University, Sri Lanka from 19.09.2023 to date.
  5. Coordinator for Postgraduate Studies (Board of Study for Agricultural Science) Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka from 01.07.2023 to date.
  6. Head of the Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka from 06.06.2016 to 05.07.2016 (Acting Head), from 06.07.2016 to 31.01.2019, and from 15.03.2023 to date.
  7. Member of the Faculty Curriculum Evaluation Committee, Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka from 24.10.2014 to 23.10.2015, and from 01.11.2017 to 31.01.2019.
  8. Member of the Center for Sustainable Agriculture and Resource Management (CENSARM), Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka from 09.11.2015 to 08.11.2018.
  9. Acting Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka from 23.02.2016 to 07.03.2016 (Acting Head), from 06.06.2016 to 05.07.2016 (Acting Head), from 16.09.2018 to 23.09.2018.
  10. Coordinator for University-Industry-Community Interactive Cell (UICIC), Eastern University, Sri Lanka from 2007 to 2009, from 07.11.2012 to 06.11.2013, and from 21.11.2013 to 20.11.2014. 
  11. Coordinator for Poultry Hatchery and Breeding Unit, Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka from 04.09.2007 to 03.09.2010, and from 21.10.2013 to 20.10.2014.
  12. Student Counsellor, Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka from 03.10.2011 to 02.10.2012, and from 04.12.2012 to 03.12.2013.
  13. District Coordinator for the Dairy Enhancement in Eastern Province (DEEP) Project of Land O’ Lakes Inc. and Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka from 15.03.2012 to 14.05.2012.
  14. Part-time Sub-Warden, Men’s Hostel, Eastern University, Sri Lanka for the Academic Year 2004/2005 and 2005/2006.
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