Prof. (Mrs). Punitha Premanandarajah

Prof. (Mrs). Punitha Premanandarajah
B.Sc. Agric. (EUSL), M.Phil. (UPDN, SL), Ph.D (TNAU, India)
Department of Agricultural Chemistry
Faculty of Agriculture
Eastern University, Sri Lanka
Tel (Office): +94 (0) 65 2241264
Mobile: +94 (0) 778003764
Fax: +94 (0) 65 2240740
Educational Qualification:
- Ph.D in Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition - Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, India (2009)
- M. Phil. in Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition – University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka (2003)
- B.Sc. Agric. (Hons), Eastern University, Sri Lanka (1993)
- Certificate in Teaching Methodology, Eastern University, Sri Lanka (2001)
Work Experience:
- 2009 – to date: Senior Lecturer Gr. I in Agricultural Chemistry
- 2003- 2009: Senior Lecturer Gr. II in Agricultural Chemistry
- 1996 -2003: Lecturer in Agricultural Chemistry
- 1994- 1996 : Assistant Lecturer in Animal Science
Peer Reviewed Journals
- P. Premanandarajah, K.A. Nandasenam and K.Thedchchanamoorthy (2004). Effect of organic and chemical fertilizers on phosphorus availability in sandy regosols. Agrieast: 4: 43 – 51.
- Premanandharajah. P and Prapagar,K..2009. Improving nutrient and water holding capacity in sandy regosol by applying locally available amendments. AGRIEAST, 8:pp . 30-37
- Premanandarajah, P.and Raja Rajan, A. 2010 Direct and Residual Effects of Phosphorus from Organic Manures and Single Super Phosphate on Microbial Population and Biomass Carbon Content in Groundnut – Sunflower Cropping System, AGRIEAST, 9:pp . 01-05
- Premanandarajah, P.and Raja Rajan, A. 2011Tracer studies on phosphorus availability to groundnut from different sources. Journal of the Soil Science Society of SriLanka.23.pp.7-12
- Prapagar,K., Indraratne, S.P. and Premanandharajah.P. 2012. Reclamation of saline-sodic soils using gypsum amended organic materials and the subsequent performance of onion (allium cepa l.). AGRIEAST, 4:
- Prapagar,K., Indraratne, S.P. and Premanandharajah.P. 2012. Effect of soil amendments on reclamation of saline sodic soils. Tropical agricultural Research. 23(2). Pp 168 – 176.
Short Communiication
- Heerthihah, S. Premanandarajah. P and Geretharan. T. (2010). Effect of paddy straw enrichments on nitrogen availability in sandy regosol. AGRIEAST: 9: 42 – 46.
Peer Reviewed On line Journals
- W. Shanika and P. Premanandarajah. 2015. Direct and residual effect of organic manures, urea integration on okra grown in sandy regosol. International Journal of Environmental Sciences 5( 5) . 980 – 987.
- P. Premanandarajah and K. Prapagar 2015locally available soil amendments as a partial substitute for inorganic fertilizers on soil and ground water qualities. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology. 5 (1) 1-7 .
- P. Premanandarajah, W. Shanika. 2015. Direct and residual effects of sulphur from organic manures and single super phosphate integration on microbial activity in groundnut – sunflower cropping system. Journal of Environment Protection and Sustainable Development. 1 ( 2). Pp 81-85.
- W. Shanika, P. Premanandarajah. 2015. Nitrogen use efficiency of okra (abelmoschusesculentus (l.) moench) in sandy regosol amended with locally available organic manures and urea integrations. Journal of Environment Protection and Sustainable Development. 1( 3) Pp. 121-125.
- M. Kanimoly and P. Premanandarajah. 2016 Amelioration of salt-affected paddy soils byapplication of partially burnt paddy husk (pbph) and sulphate of potash (sop). International journal of advanced research and review, 1(2); 01 – 07.
- Premanandarajah P, Shanika W 2016 Selection of organic source as a substitute for phosphorus and sulphur and the best combination of poultry manure and single super phosphate combination in relation to groundnut yield International journal of environmental sciences 6(5). 851 – 858.
- Premanandarajah, P. 2016 Tracer studies on the direct and residual effects of phosphorus and sulphur from organic manures in groundnut – sunflower cropping system. International Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and Plantation 4; 18 – 25.
- P.Premanandarajah and K.Premanandarajah (2009) Indoor garden Publication of Kumaran Book House, Colombo 10.
International conference
- P. Premanandarajah, K.A. Nandasena and K. Thedchchanamoorthy (2003). Effect of organic manure on nitrate pollution of ground water and soil nitrogen. International workshop on Environmental management in North East of SriLanka. pp 42-43
- Premanandarajah. P., Raja Rajan. A. 2011Tracer studies on the effect of phosphorus sources on phosphorus availability to groundnut,”, 10 th International Conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies, 2011.pp. 111 – 112
- Prapakar. K Indraratna, S. P. and Premanandarajah. P.2011Improvements shown by saline sodic c soils due to addition of organic amendmentments with gypsum 10 th International Conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies, 2011.pp305- 306.
- Prapakar. K Indraratna, S. P. and Premanandarajah. P. 2011 Effect of Soil amendments on Reclamation of saline – sodic soil. PGIA Annual Congress, Nov 2011. Vol. 23.
- P. Premanandarajah, W. Shanika and T. Mirthika. 2015. Impact of leaching with organic amendments on reclamation of saline paddy soil. Symposium on International Network for Water and Ecosystem in Paddy Fields. pp 17 - 32
- M. Kanimoli, P. Premanandarajah, and W. Shanika. 2015. Impact of Partially burned Paddy Husk and sulphate of Potash on soil pH and Available Phosphorus content in Saline Paddy Soil. Symposium on International Network for Water and Ecosystem in Paddy Fields. pp 34 – 49.
International Symposium
- P. Premanandarajah, K.A. Nandasena and K. Thedchchanamoorthy (2003). Effect of organic manure on nitrate pollution of ground water and soil nitrogen. International workshop on Environmental management in North East of SriLanka. pp 42-43
- Premanandarajah. P., Raja Rajan. A. 2010. An investigation on the impact of different sulphur sources on soil sulphur availability and groundnut (arachis hypogaea l.) yield by using s35 tracer techniques. . Proceedings of the 3rd International symposium, Sabaragamuwa University of SriLanka. pp 47.
- Jumana Haseen, S. L. and Premanandarajah, P. (2010). Performance of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) grown in sandy regosols for different nitrogen sources under integrated nutrient management system (INMS). Proceedings of International Symposium, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna.
- Premanandarajah. P , Jumana. S.L.H, (2011)Effect of different type, rate of fertilizers and time of sampling on soil nitrogen content and nitrogen uptake by onion crop grown in sandy regosols 1st International Symposium , South Eastern University of Sri Lanka pp 60 .
- Prapakar. K Indraratna, S. P. and Premanandarajah. P. 2011 Effect of gypsum amended organis amendments on electrical conductivity and exchangeable sodium percentage of saline sodic soils. International Symposium on Agriculture and environment., Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna pp 23.
- Arumugam .G and Premanandarajah. P 2011 Effect of reddish brown earth and selected organic manures on nitrogen retention in sandy regosols. Proceedings of International Symposium, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna pp 41.
- Sivasegaram, H.and Premanandarajah. P 2011 Nitrogen availability in sandy regosol as affected by urea integration with different organic manures. 2011 Proceedings of International Symposium, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna pp 117.
- Heerthihah, S. and Premanandarajah. P 2012.Impact of urea integration with different organic manures on C:N ratio in sandy regosols. 2nd International Symposium, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka pp 116 – 118.
- Prapagar,K., Indraratne, S.P. and Premanandharajah.P. 2012. Reclamation of saline-sodic soils using gypsum amended organic materials and the subsequent performance of onion (allium cepa l.). AGRIEAST, 4:
- Heerthihah, S. and Premanandarajah. P 2013 Effect of treated paddy straw addition on soil microbial activity. Proceedings of the 4 th International symposium, Sabaragamuwa University of SriLanka. pp 12.
- Premanandharajah.P. and Rifka, M.J.F. 2013. Effect of local amendments as partial substitute for phosphorus on soil quality. 3rd International Symposium, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka pp 38 -42.
- Premanandharajah.P. and Prapagar, K. 2013. Effect of Poultry manure as partial substitute for P and S on the yield and quality of groundnut. 3rd International Symposium, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka pp 95 - 99.
- Mirththika. T, and . Premanandarajah, P. 2014. Impact of locally available organic amendments with leaching on reclaiming saline soils. Proceedings of the International conference of Agricultural Sciences, , Sabaragamuwa University of SriLanka. pp 72.
- Mirththika. T, and . Premanandarajah, P. 2014.Impact of locally available organic amendments with leaching on pH in a saline soil. Proceedings of the 1st Ruhuna International Science and Technology Conference. University of Ruhuna. Pp 101.
- Shanika. W and Premanandarajah, P. 2014.Effect of organic amendments and mineral fertilizers on growth performance and yield of okra in sandy regosol. Proceedings of the International symposium on Agriculture and Environment. of Agricultural Sciences, University of Ruhuna. Pp 123 -126.
- Haemananthini, T.H. and Premanandarajah, P. 2014. Growth and yield responses of vegetable cowpea for integrated application of organic manure and inorganic fertilizers in sandy regosols. Proceedings of the International symposium on Agriculture and Environment. of Agricultural Sciences, University of Ruhuna. Pp 131 -134.
- P. Premanandarajah, W. Shanika and T. Mirthika. 2015. Impact of leaching with organic amendments on reclamation of saline paddy soil. Symposium on International Network for Water and Ecosystem in Paddy Fields. pp 17 – 32
- M. Kanimoli, P. Premanandarajah, and W. Shanika. 2015. Impact of Partially burned Paddy Husk and sulphate of Potash on soil pH and Available Phosphorus content in saline paddy soil. Symposium on International Network for Water and Ecosystem in Paddy Fields. pp 34 – 49.
- M. Kanimoli, and P. Premanandarajah, 2016. Impact of sulphate of Potash and Partially burned Paddy Husk on soil pH, Electrical Conductivity and Plant Phosphorus content in Saline Paddy Soil. International symposium on agriculture and Environment. University of Ruhuna. Pp 127 -129.
- P. Premanandarajah P, Kanimoly, M. and Shanika W 2016. Direct and residual effects of organic and inorganic nutrient sources on post harvest nutrient availability in groundnut sunflower cropping system. International Research Coference 2016. Jaffna University . Pp 37 - 38
- T. Hemananthy, P.Premanandarajah and M. Kanimoly 2017 Effects of combination of different organic manures and inorganic fertilizer on nitrogen availability and nodulation of cowpea in sandy regosol. International symposium on Agriculture and Environment. University of Ruhuna. Pp 248 -251.
National Symposium
- P. Premanandarajah, and K. Thedchchanamoorthy, (1996) Effect of planting geometry at constant plant population on the yield of Brinjal and intercropped bushsitao in sandy regosols. Proceedings of the Sri Lanka Association of Advancement of Science 52: 57
- S. Mahendran., P.Jeyakumar., P.Premanandarajah. and T.Thiruchchelvam, (2000). Study on ground water quality of some selected wells during dry season in the municipal council area of Batticaloa. Annual Research Session, Eastern University, Sri Lanka 1: 53 -61.
- P.Jeyakumar., P.Premanandarajah., and S. Mahendran (2002) Water quality of Agrowells in the coastal area of the Batticaloa district. Proceedings of the National Symposium on the use of ground water for Agriculture in SriLanka. Pp 99 – 107.
- V. Shivapriya, and P. Premanandarajah. (2005). Effect of locally available organic amendments on nitrogen recovery of red onion grown in sandy regosols. Annual research session 2005. 202 – 209.
- Premanandarajah. P., Prapakar. K.,Sivapriya. V and.Vimal Jothy. I. 2009. Effect of locally available amendments on the yield of red onion and organic matter content in sandy regosol. Proceedings of the Annual Research Session, Eastern University, Sri Lanka 8.
- Lavanya, S., Vijitha. N., Mahendran. S. and Premanandarajah. P. 2009. Studies on physical; properties of coir pith compost. Proceedings of the Annual Research Session, Eastern University, Sri Lanka 8.
- Jumana, S. L. H and Premanandarajah, P. (2010). Effect of different nitrogen sources on organic Carbon content and growth of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) on sandy regosols. Proceeding, Research Symposium, Uva Wellassa University, Sri Lanka. PP.
- Jumana Haseen, S. L. and Premanandarajah, P. (2010). Effect of different nitrogen sources on moisture content and cation exchange capacity of sandy regosols under integrated nutrient managed okra cultivation. Proceedings, 9th Annual Research Session, Eastern University, Sri Lanka .
- Premanandarajah, P.. and Raja Rajan. A. (2010). Effect of different sulphur sources on yield and quality of groundnut. Proceedings, 9th Annual Research Session, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Arumugam G.and Premanandarajah. P 2011 Impacts of Reddish brown earth and locally available organic manures on phosphorus retention of sandy regosols. . Proceedings, 10th Annual Research Session, Eastern University, Sri Lanka
- Sivasegaram, H.and Premanandarajah. P 2011 Impact of urea integration with different organic manures on microbial activity in sandy regosols . Proceedings, 10th Annual Research Session, Eastern University, Sri Lanka
- Hemananthy. T. H. and . Premanandarajah, P. 2014.Integrated use of organic manure and inorganic fertilizer on organic carbon and microbial activity in sandy regosol. 11th Annual Research session, Eastern University, SriLanka. Pp 27.
- Risma, S.M. and . Premanandarajah, P. 2015. Impacts of organic, Natural and conventiona; farming systems on major physical properties of soil. 11th Annual Research session, Eastern University, SriLanka. Pp 26.
- P. Premanandarajah P, Kanimoly, M. and Shanika W 2016. Direct and residual effects of organic and inorganic nutrient sources on post harvest nutrient availability in groundnut sunflower cropping system. International Research Coference 2016. Jaffna University . Pp 37 – 38
- M., Kanimoly, and . Premanandarajah P. 2016. Impact of sulphate of potash and partially burnt paddy husk on phosphorus availability in salt affected paddy soil. 1st International Research Coference 2016. Trincomalee Campus, Estarn University, Sri Lanka. Pp 04.
Research Interest
- Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition
- Soil Chemistry
- Soil Fertility Evaluation and Management
- Nutrient Management in Agro Eco System
- AC 2101Properties and Appraisal of soils
- AC 3101 Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition
- AC 4107 Soil Chemistry
- AC 4110 Soil Fertility Evaluation and Management
- MAG1105 Nutrient Management in Agro Eco System
- Awarded as a winner of Dr. K.K. Krishnamoorthy and Dr. G. Selvakumary award for the year 2009, for the best Ph.D student in Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry by Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, India.
- As a supervisor for the project report awarded as Best Business Solution award for the year 2016
Positions Held
- Co-ordinator / Division of Agric Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture ( 10.02.2004 – 12.01.2006).
- Senior Treasurer Common Student Union Academic Year 2008/2009
- Student Counselor _ Eastern University, Sri Lanka from 01.10.2009 - for one year
- Senior Treasurer Common Student Union Academic Year 2009/20110
- Senior Treasurer Student Union FOA Academic Year 2009/2010
- Co-coordinator /External degree programme, Faculty of Agriculture , from 01.06.2010
- A member of Sports Advisory Board
- Acting Head /Dept of Agric Chemistry, from 03.12.2010 to 02.01.2011
- Head /Dept of Agric Chemistry, from 03. 01.2011 to 02.02.2017
- Coordinator / Quiz and Essay competition Censarm, Faculty of Agriculture EUSL in 2010.
- Student counselor from 03.10.2011- for one year
- Senior Treasurer common Union Academic Year 2010/2011
- Chair Person for Board of study External Degree and Extension Courses from 01.08.2013
- Coordinator, Curriculum Revision, B.Sc. (Agric.) 2018 – 2021.