Dr.K .Premakumar
Dr.K .Premakumar
B.Sc Agric. (UPDN, Sri Lanka), M.Sc (AIT,Thailand), Ph.D (IARI, India)
Senior Lecturer Grade I
Department of Agricultural Chemistry,
Faculty of Agriculture,
Eastern University,
Chenkalady (E.P)., Sri Lanka.
Telephone 065-2241264 (O), 065-2246063 (R), 0776073384 (M)
E- mail Premakumar.k2016@yahoo.com
B.Sc Agric. (UPDN, Sri Lanka), M.Sc (AIT,Thailand), Ph.D (IARI, India)
Senior Lecturer Grade I
Department of Agricultural Chemistry,
Faculty of Agriculture,
Eastern University,
Chenkalady (E.P)., Sri Lanka.
Telephone 065-2241264 (O), 065-2246063 (R), 0776073384 (M)
E- mail Premakumar.k2016@yahoo.com
Educational Information
- B. Sc. (Agriculture), Hons. University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
- M.Sc in Postharvest Technology, (AIT), Bangkok
- PhD in Postharvest Technology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI)
Work Experience:
- Oct 1982-June 1983 : Temporary Tutor cum Research Assistant , UPDN
- July 1983-Dec 1983 : Temporary Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Agriculture, Batticaloa University College (BUC), Sri Lanka
- 2/1/ 1984-2/4/ 1992 : Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Agriculture, EUSL
- 3/4/ 1992-15/07/ 2001. Lecturer (Probationary), Faculty of Agriculture, EUSL
- 16/07/2001-15/07/2007 : Senior Lecturer ( Grade II ) , Faculty of Agriculture, EUSL
- 16/07/ 2007-Todate : Senior Lecturer (Grade I )
- Premakumar, K and Rasmiya Begum, S.L (2015). Development and Quality Evaluation of Bitter Gourd-Amla-Lemon Functional Beverage. International Conference on “ Diet and Healthy Lifestyle in the Prevention and Control of Non Communicable Diseases”. 26th-27th June, 2015, Department of Home Science, Women’s Christian College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
- Premakumar, K (2014). Selection of Suitable Mango Variety For Fruit Bar Preparation. 1st Ruhuna International Science and Technology Conference on “Towards Transdisciplinary Research Culture. 22nd-23rd January, 2014, Faculty of Science, University of Ruhuna.
- Premakumar, K (2007).Distance Education in the New Millennium-ICT offers a new approach. 6th Annual Research Session of the Eastern University, Sri Lanka, 18th –19th October, 2007 , Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Premakumar, K. (2007). Chemical and Organoleptic Evaluation of the Iced and Traditionally Processed Fresh Water Fish. International Conference on “Tropical Aquaculture Research Towards Sustainable Development” organised by National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency (NARA), at the NARA, Colombo from 15th to 16th February, 2007.
- Premakumar, K. (2005). Evaluation of the Low Cost, Zero Energy Cool Chamber for On Farm Storage of Local Vegetable . Symposium on “ Innovative Approaches in Postharvest Engineering & Technology” organised by Agricultural Engineering Society of Sri Lanka (AESSL), on 20th December, 2005 at the PGIA, Peradeniya.
- Premakumar, K. (2005). New Approach in Integrated Nutrition Education at Eastern University, Sri Lanka by GN 2003 Training. International seminar on “ The Global NutrITion programme: A look at the Past and a Way Forward” held from 14th –19th March, 2005 in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Premakumar, K. (2003). Study on the Mangrove Ecosystem of the Lagoons in Batticaloa District. International workshop on “Environmental Management in North-East of Sri Lanka” held from 1st –4th December, 2003, at University of Jaffna, Jaffna .
- Premakumar, K (2002). On-farm storage of lemons and tomatoes by low cost zero energy cool chamber. 2nd Annual Research Session of the Eastern University, Sri Lanka, 1st -2nd August, 2002 , Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Premakumar, K and Khurdiya, D.S (2002). Effect of Microwave blanching on the nutritional qualities of banana puree. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 39 (4) 216-218.
- Premakumar, K. and Khurdiya, D.S (2000). Effect of microwave blanching on the nutritional qualities of banana puree. National Seminar on “ Hi-Tech Horticulture” held from 26th –28th June, 2000 in Bangalore, India.
- Afreen.S.M.M.S and Premakumar, K ( 2016). Evaluation of Ready to Serve Beverage (RTS) Prepared from Fermented Carrot with Sour-Orange . 2nd National Symposium on Agriculture- “ Challenges in Tropical Agriculture for Sustainable Food Supply”. 4th August, 2016, Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Rasmiya Begum S.L, Premakumar, K and Shireen M.I.S ( 2016).Study on Preparation and Storage Potentiality of Value Added Products from Papaya Fruit; Variety Red Lady. 2nd National Symposium on Agriculture- “ Challenges in Tropical Agriculture for Sustainable Food Supply”. 4th August, 2016, Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Afreen.S.M.M.S, Premakumar, K and Inthujaa, Y ( 2016). Development and Storage Stability of Selected RTS Beverage Developed from Carrot and Sour-Orange Blend. International Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Research – Volume 4, Issue 6, ISSN (Online) 2319-1473.
- Afreen.S.M.M.S, Premakumar, K and Inthujaa, Y ( 2016). Preparation of Ready-To-Serve (RTS) Beverage from Carrot with Sour-Orange Juices. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology – Volume 5: 1992- 1998.
- Kesavanath,J, Premakumar, K and Inthujaa, Y ( 2015). Nutritional and Sensory Characteristics of Star Fruit and Sweet Orange Juices Blend Fruit Cordial. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies-Volume 2: 43-49
- Kesavanath,J, Premakumar, K and Inthujaa, Y ( 2015). Nutritional and Sensory Qualities of Sweet Orange Blend Star Fruit Cordial. International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches. 11th-12th September, 2015, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Sri Jayewardenapura.
- Jayapiradha,G, Premakumar, K and Inthujaa, Y ( 2015). Effect of Storage on Nutritional and Sensory Qualities of Yoghurt Made From Cow Milk. International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches. 11th-12th September, 2015, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Sri Jayewardenapura.
- Kesavanath,J, Premakumar, K and Inthujaa, Y ( 2015). Development and Sensory Evaluation of Different Types of Beverages From Star Fruit. National Symposium on Agriculture- “Food Security For Future : Challenges and opportunities”. 5th August, 2015, Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Jayapiradha,G, Premakumar, K and Inthujaa, Y ( 2015). Comparison of Nutritional and Sensory Qualities of Yoghurts Made From Cow, Buffaloa and Goat Milk. National Symposium on Agriculture- “Food Security For Future : Challenges and opportunities”. 5th August, 2015, Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Amuthenie,S, Sisikaran,S and Premakumar,K (2013). Nutritional Status of Pre-School Children in Manmunai South-West (Paddipalai) Divisional Secretariat Area of Batticaloa.2nd Annual Research Sessions-2013, 3rd December,2013, Faculty of Applied Sciences, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka.
- Mamangarajah, M and Premakumar, K ( 2013). Voices of the East-Citizen Dialogues Aftermath of the Restoration of Civilian Administration in the East of Sri Lanka. International Conference on “Knowledge and Technology for Post-Conflict Recovery”. 12th-13th September, 2013, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Priyatharsani, J and Premakumar, K ( 2013). Singing Fish of Batticaloa .International Conference on “Knowledge and Technology for Post-Conflict Recovery”. 12th-13th September, 2013, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Jecintha, T, Premakumar, K and Ananthapriya, H.T ( 2011). Production of Fish Papadam from Dried Tilapia Fish Flesh. National Conference on Regional Development 2011, 10th-11th December, 2011, Faculty of Arts and Culture, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka.
- Rameshkaran, M, Premakumar, K and Ananthapriya, H.T (2011 ). Study on Selection of Banana Varieties and Ripening Methods. National Conference on Regional Development 2011, 10th-11th December, 2011, Faculty of Arts and Culture, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka.
- Ananthapriya, H.T and Premakumar, K (2011 ). Study on Storage of Pickle Prepared From Lagoon Fish. 10th Annual Research Session of the Eastern University, Sri Lanka, 1st-2nd December, 2011, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Jecintha, T, Premakumar, K and Ananthapriya, H.T ( 2011). Shelf Life Evaluation of Fish Papadam Stored in Different Packaging Materials. International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment, 9th November, 2011, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna.
- Kavithanyali, A, Premakumar, K and Ananthapriya, K (2011 ). Production of Pickle from Abundantly available Popular Batticaloa Lagoon Fishes. International Symposium on Post-War Economic Development through Science, Technology and Management, April 19th-21st , 2011, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka.
- Zumairah, R.K.N, Premakumar, K and Ananthapriya, K (2011 ). Determination of the Best Variety and Maturity Stage of Ginger (Zingiber Officinale) For Processing of Ready to Serve(RTS) Drink. International Symposium on Post-War Economic Development through Science, Technology and Management, April 19th-21st , 2011, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka.
- Ananthapriya, K and Premakumar, K (2010 ). A Study on the Suitability of Jackfruit Varieties for Chips. 9th Annual Research Session of the Eastern University, Sri Lanka, 17th-18th December, 2010, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Ananthapriya, K and Premakumar, K (2010 ). Determination of Suitable Packaging of Jackfruit Chips to Ensure Long Keeping Quality. Annual Research Conference-2010 of University of Jaffna, 15th November, 2010, University of Jaffna.
- Rameshkaran, M, Premakumar, K and Ananthapriya, K (2010 ). Comparative Study of Different Ripening Methods in Banana Fruits. Annual Research Conference-2010 of University of Jaffna, 15th November, 2010, University of Jaffna.
- Ragupriya,S, Jumana Haseen,S.L, Asoomath, N and Premakumar, K (2010 ). Nutritional Status of Pregnant Women in Arayampathy Divisional Secreatariat (DS), Batticaloa District. Annual Research Conference-2010 of University of Jaffna, 15th November, 2010, University of Jaffna.
- Santhiramathi.N, Premakumar.K, Amuthenie.S and Delina.F.E (2010). Studies on the Physiochemical and Organoleptic Characteristics of Popularly Grown Banana Varieties in the Batticaloa Region. Third International Symposium of Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka.
- Vaveenthiran, T, Premakumar,K and Prsannath, K ( 2009). Effect of Storage Techniques on Quality of Green Chilli.Pandit G.P. Wickramarachi Memorial Research Symposium 2008/2009, 3rd April, 2009, University of Kelaniya.
- Anuja, T, Premakumar, K and Gayathri, T (2008). Fish Consumption Pattern of the People in Kommathurai Village. 7th Annual Research Session of the Eastern University, Sri Lanka, 10th-11th December, 2008 , Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Anuja, T, Premakumar, K and Gayathri, T (2008).Study on Storability of Fish Cracker. 7th Annual Research Session of the Eastern University, Sri Lanka, 10th-11th December, 2008 , Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Anuja, T, Premakumar, K and Gayathri, T (2008). Development of Fish Crackers and Its Quality Characteristics. National Symposium, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, 23rd-24th October,2008.
- Munahirah, J and Premakumar, K (2007). Development of Calcium Enriched Biscuits Using Egg as Calcium Source. 6th Annual Research Session of the Eastern University, Sri Lanka, 18th –19th October, 2007 , Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Tharsinithevy,V and Premakumar, K. (2006). Value Addition of Cow’s Milk Based on the Regional Demand for Milk Products Related to Milk Preservation. 62nd Scientific Session of SLAAS held from 11th- 15th December , 2006 at SLASS Auditorium, Colombo
- Komathy, C and Premakumar, K. (2006). A Study on Storage Stability of Jak Fruit Bar. AGRIEAST- Volume 5: 102-108.
- Niroshini, Y and Premakumar, K (2005). Suitability of Different frying oils for the storage of elephant Foot Yam Chips. 4th Annual Research Session of the Eastern University, Sri Lanka, 20th –21st October, 2005 , Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Anushooya, M, Pagthinathan, M and Premakumar, K (2005). Evaluation of Ice Cream Quality Using Different treatments, Different Flavours and Fruits. 4th Annual Research Session of the Eastern University, Sri Lanka, 20th –21st October, 2005 , Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Tharshinithevy, V, Pagthinathan, M and Premakumar, K (2005). Nutritional Analysis and Yogurt formulation of Hydrogen Peroxide Treated Cow Milk. 4th Annual Research Session of the Eastern University, Sri Lanka, 20th –21st October, 2005 , Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Jawath ,K.M and Premakumar, K. (2003). Indigenous and Under-utilised Tropical Fruits of Eastern Region of Sri Lanka- Their Conservation and Utilization. International workshop on “Environmental Management in North-East of Sri Lanka” held from 1st –4th December, 2003, at University of Jaffna, Jaffna.
- Jawath. K.M and Premakumar, K. (2003). Studies on the Physico- Chemical Characteristics and Organoleptic aspects of the Cashew apple varieties in the Batticaloa region. 59th Scientific Session of SLAAS held from 9th – 13th December , 2003 at SLASS Auditorium, Colombo.
- Jawath, K.M and Premakumar, K. (2003). Identifying a suitable method to reduce the astringency in cashew apple juice and formulation of Cashew: Orange beverage blends . 59th Scientific Session of SLAAS held from 9th – 13th December , 2003 at SLASS Auditorium, Colombo.
- Premakumar, K and Devadasan .C ( 2007). Training Guide for Fish Processing Technology. (Tamil), EUSL Publication.
- Premakumar, K (2007). Breast Feeding (English), EUSL Publication.
- Premakumar, K ( 2006). Training Manual For Short Course Training on Appropriate Postharvest Management of Agricultural Produce. (English), EUSL Publication.
- Premakumar,K(2005-2006). News Letter (Tamil) -tptrhar; nra;jp kly;, Faculty of Agriculture, EUSL Publication.
- Premakumar,K (2002). Backgrounder on Adolescent Reproductive Health. (English) – Manual for the Workshop on Adolescent Reproductive Health , EUSL Publication.
- Premakumar, K (1996). Environmental Guide (Tamil), CENSARM, EUSL Publication.
- Premakumar, K. (2016). “Healthy Life Styles for the Control of Non-Communicable Diseases (Tamil). Veerakesari Paper.
- Premakumar, K. (2007). “Environmental Problems” in Environmental Geography Edited by Varnakulasingham, EUSL Publication
- Premakumar, K. (2006).”Preservation Techniques of Fruits and Vegetables”. Training Workshop on Agricultural Practices organised by the Faculty of Agriculture on 1st November, 2006 at the Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Premakumar, K. (2005). “Methods for Processing and Utilisation of Fresh Water Fishes”. Training Workshop on “Inland Fisheries Development” organised by CARM and NAQDA on 12th & 13th May, 2005 at Mandresa, Batticaloa.
- Premakumar, K. (2004). “Value Addition to Crop Commodities”. Training workshop on “Sustainable Agricultural System” organised by CENSARM on 18th February, 2004 at the District Agricultural Training Centre, Sathurukondan.
- Premakumar, K. (2002). “Food, Nutrition and Environmental Security of North –East Province”. Seminar organised by Geographical Society, EUSL on 5th June, 2002 at EUSL.
- Premakumar, K. (2002). “Validity of Organic Farm Produces”. Training Workshop on “Organic Farming” organised by CENSARM on 05th January, 2002 at the Faculty of Agriculture, EUSL.
- Premakumar (2002). Extension Bulletin on “Zero Energy Cool Chamber”.
- Premakumar, K and Khurdiya, D.S (2001). “Banana puree from export reject banana fruits- New venture”. Processed Food Industry, July 2001.
- Premakumar, K. and Khurdiya, D.S (2001). “Processing of banana puree from unmarketable banana fruits- a potential venture.” Delhi Garden Magazine, 39: 63-64.
- Premakumar, K (1997). “Food- The Global Thought” . EUFAC, 1997.
- Premakumar, K (1995). “More reasons why breast is best”. Ceylon Daily News.
- Premakumar, K (1994). “Need for an effective management of water in the Agriculture sector of Batticaloa District”. Ceylon Daily News and The Island.
- Premakumar, K(1993). “Know your Environment”. SOBA IV(I) : 9-14.
Research Interest
- Food Science and Technology
- Postharvest Technology
- Food and Nutrition and Biochemistry
- 1996 : Indo- Sri Lanka Cultural Exchange Programme, Government of India.
- 1989 : DAAD Scholarship,Federal Republic of Germany
- AWARD FOR LONG TERM MERITORIOUS SERVICE presented by the Eastern University, Sri Lanka in recognition of meritorious service rendered to the university over a period of 30 years (1983-2013) on 30th March, 2016 at Nalliah Auditorium, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- AWARD FOR EDUCATION LEADERSHIP presented by the World Education Congress, CMO Asia and CMO Council, Mumbai, India at the 5TH Asia’s Education Excellence Awards Ceremony on 1st August, 2014 at HOTEL PAN PACIFIC , SINGAPORE.
- AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING CONTRIBUTION TO EDUCATION awarded by the World Education Congress, CMO Asia and CMO Council, Mumbai, India at the 3rd Asia’s Best B-School Awards Ceremony on 19th July, 2012 at HOTEL PARK ROYAL, SINGAPORE.
Positions Held
- Co-ordinator , 2nd National Symposium on Agriculture-2016 held on 4th August,2016.
- Director, Swami Vipulananda Institute of Aesthetic Studies, Eastern University, Sri Lanka ( April, 2012 to April ,2015)
- Acting Vice-Chancellor, Eastern University, Sri Lanka (March, 2010- March 2012)
- Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, EUSL ( February , 2005- February 2011).
- Director, Local Technical Secretariat (LTS),IRQUE Project, EUSL funded by the World Bank, (May,2007- October, 2010)
- Chairman, Internal Quality Assurance Unit (IQAU), EUSL (May, 2007- April 2010).
- Chairman, Curriculum Evaluation Committee, EUSL (May, 2007- August 2011).
- Chairman. Library Committee, EUSL ( April, 2009 - April 2013).
- Project Co-ordinator, “Environmental Testing Unit, EUSL-NECCDEP Project (May, 2007- July 2008).
- Senior Treasurer, Students’ Union, Faculty of Agriculture for the Academic Year 2006/2007 .& 2007/2008
- Project Co-ordinator, UK- Sri Lanka Partnership Links Scheme, Faculty of Agriculture, EUSL ( October,2005-March, 2006).
- Member, Board of Management, Swami Vipulanada Institute for Aesthetic Studies (SVIAS), EUSL ( July, 2006- July 2008).
- Member, Standing Committee on Agriculture, Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences (Feb, 2005- Feb. 2011).
- Member, Board of Management, Postgraduate Institute of Peradeniya, UPDN (Feb, 2005- Feb.2011).
- Member, Bench Marking Panel in Agriculture (April 2007).
- Acting Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, EUSL ( May , 2004-January, 2005).
- Head/Dept. of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, EUSL ( May, 2004- January, 2005).
- Acting Head/Dept. of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, EUSL ( February, 2004 – April, 2004).
- Co-ordinator/ M.Sc Degree Programme in Food Processing Technology, ADB Project, Faculty of Agriculture, EUSL (January, 2004 – December,2006).
- Co-ordinator, Division of Agricultural Chemistry, Dept. of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, EUSL (July, 2001- December, 2003).
- Senior Student Counsellor, EUSL (October, 2002- June, 2004).
- Member of Curriculum Evaluation Committee, EUSL (September 2001- February 2003).
- General Secretary, Eastern University Teachers’ Association -EUTA (29th January, 2002- 5th May, 2003).
- Member of the Editorial Board- “At Home in India”, ICCR, Newsletter (1996-2000).
- Chairman, Sports Advisory Board, EUSL (1995-1996).
- General Secretary, Senior Common Room Society -SCRS, EUSL (1995-1996).
- Member of Senate, EUSL (1992- 1995).
- Part time Sub -Warden, Men’s Hostel, EUSL (January 1985- December 1988).