Mrs. Evanjalin Delina Jesudasan Prince

Mrs. Evanjalin Delina Jesudasan Prince
BSc. (Hons) in Agriculture (EUSL), MSc. IWRM & MPhil. (Geo-informatics) (UPDN)
Senior Lecturer Gr-II
Department of Agricultural Engineering
Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University Sri Lanka
Telephone: +94 65 2223855 (Home) / +94 776268946 (Mobile)
Email: /
Educational Qualifications:
- MPhil. in Geo-Informatics – Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka (2020)
- MSc. in Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) – Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka (2015)
- B.Sc. Agriculture. (Hons), Eastern University, Sri Lanka (2009)
Work Experience:
- Senior Lecturer (Grade -II) in Agricultural Engineering from 3rd January 2020.
- Probationary Lecturer in Agricultural Engineering from 24th May 2012 to 2nd January 2020
- Temporary Assistant Lecturer in Department of Agricultural Chemistry for the period of 01.07.2009 to 30.06.2010.
- Visiting lecturer in Bio System Technology, Faculty of Technology, Eastern University Sri Lanka for Precision Agricultural Technology from February to September 2020.
Peer-Reviewed Journals:
P. J. E. Delina (2021). A Review on Remote Sensing Approaches on Coastal Aquatic Systems. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Vol.10 (10): 1299-1307. DOI: 10.21275/SR211022183156
Delina, P. J. E., Dayawansa, N. D. K. and Ranjith Premalal De Silva (2019). “Detection and Mapping of Spatial Distribution of Floating Algae in Batticaloa Lagoon, Sri Lanka Using Remote Sensing & GIS”. International Journal of Progressive Sciences & Technologies (IJPSAT). 17(2): 26-36.
Delina, P.J.E., Dayawansa, N.D.K. and De Silva, R.P., 2019. Biomass assessment of floating aquatic plant Eichhornia crassipes - a study in Batticaloa Lagoon, Sri Lanka using sentinel 2A satellite images. Tropical Agricultural Research, 30(4), pp.35–49. DOI:
Delina, P. J. E. (2017). Developing Child Malnutrition Vulnerability Spatial Model for Batticaloa District, Sri Lanka. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Online) 6(6): 2772-2779. DOI: 10.21275/ART20174659
Delina, P. J. E. and Dasinaa, S (2016). Consumer Perception and Factors Influencing in Adapting of Bottled Water Consumption in Batticaloa District, Sri Lanka. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research Methods 3: (4): 1-13.
Dasinaa, S and Delina, E. J. P (2016). Distributional Pattern of Bottled Water Usage: A Case Study in Batticaloa. Int. Res. J. Environment Sci 5(6): 63-67.
Dasinaa, S and Delina, E. J. P (2016). A study on the influence of Bottled Water consumption in the Hotel Industry- Reference to Batticaloa District, Sri Lanka. Sch. J. Arts Humanit. Soc. Sci. 4(6A):680-685 (DOI: 10.21276/sjahss.2016.4.6.10)
Delina, E. J. P. and Pathmarajah, S (2014). Spatial analysis on drinking well water quality in Eravur Pattu Divisional Secretariat, Batticaloa, Sri Lanka. International Journal of Development Research. Vol. 4 (9): 1831-1835 (September, 2014)
Sugirtharan. M, Delina, E. J. P. and Amuthenie. S (2013) A GIS based study on paddy land degradation in Eravur Pattu DS Division, Batticaloa, Sri Lanka. I Res. J. Enviro Sci. Vol. 2 (11): 84-87.
Delina, F. E. and Mahendran, T. (2011). Moisture Sorption Isotherm Studies of Formulated Rice and Soy Based Ready – to - Eat Breakfast Cereals Using B.E.T Model. Sabragamuwa University Journal–Vol: 9(1):20-31.
Mahendran, T. and Delina, F. E (2010). Development of Pineapple Powder Incorporated Biscuits: Nutritional and Organoleptic Qualities. Journal of Science and Management – Vol: 2:16-25.
Felix, E.D. and Mahendran, T., 2009. Physico-Chemical Properties of Mature Green Tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum) Coated with Pectin During Storage and Ripening. Tropical Agricultural Research and Extension, 12(2), pp.110–112. DOI:
Delina, F.E. and Mahendran, T. (2009). Active Packaging of Green Mature Tomatoes with Pectin Coating to Extend the Shelf Life. Journal of Science. 6(1): 1-9.
Conference Proceedings (Oral & Poster)
P.A.P.N.Perera and P.J.E.Delina (2023). Impact of Land Surface Temperature on Mangroves and Marshes in Negombo Lagoon. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka:169-174.
K.H.H.Thabrew abd P.J.E.Delina (2023). Elevational based Landuse and Land cover distribution in Galle Disrtrict, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka:154-158.
Samarasinghe, S.A.S.R., Delina, P. J. E., & Udeshika, K. K. J. (2022). Study on Land Surface Temperature and Land Use / Land Cover Distribution in Weligama DS Division, Matara, Sri Lanka. International Research Conference of SLTC 2022. SLTC Research University, Sri Lanka.${dspace.ui}/handle/1/244
L. L. Matharage and P. J. E. Delina (2022). Study On Low-Cost Node MCU ESP8266 Soil Moisture Sensor in Monitoring Soil Moisture Content Under Different Types of Land Uses. Proceedings of the Annual Research Session– Faculty of Technology, EUSL. 6th of October 2022.
Madumali, B. & Delina, P.J. E. (2022). Remote sensing approach on land surface temperature and urban heat islands in Gampaha District, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the Annual Research Session– Faculty of Technology, EUSL. 6th of October 2022
K. K. J. Udeshika and P. J. E. Delina (2022). Change Detection Analysis of Tea Lands in Ratnapura DS Division, Ratnapura, Sri Lanka Using Landsat Images. Proceedings of the 5th National Symposium on Agriculture (5th NSA 2022), Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. 30th March 2022. P.26.
Delina, P. J. E., Dayawansa, N. D. K. and Ranjith Premalal De Silva (2020). Impact of Seasonal Variability of Water Quality in Batticaloa Lagoon on Distribution of Biomass of Floating Aquatic Plants. Proceedings of the 2nd Asia International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research on 10th December 2020.
Delina, P. J. E., Dayawansa, N. D. K. and Ranjith Premalal De Silva (2018). Biomass Assessment of Floating Aquatic Plant Eichhornia crassipes - A Study in Batticaloa Lagoon, Sri Lanka using Sentinel 2A Satellite Images. Proceedings of the 30th Annual congress of Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka 15-16th November 2018.
Delina, P. J. E., Dayawansa, N. D. K. and Ranjith Premalal De Silva (2018). Assessment of the feasibility of using Landsat 8 images for estimating biomass of floating aquatic plants (Eichhornia crassipes) in the Batticaloa lagoon, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 3rd International Research Symposium on Pure and Applied Sciences, 26th October 2018- Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
Delina, P. J. E., Dayawansa, N. D. K. and Ranjith Premalal De Silva (2017). “Assessment of the Relationship between Water Surface Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen to Identify Aquatic Vegetation Distribution - A Study in Batticaloa Lagoon, Sri Lanka” for the “38th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing” held at the at Hotel The Ashok, New Delhi, India (Online)
Dasinaa, S and Delina, E. J. P (2015). Spatial Distribution of Mineral Water Bottle Usage in Batticaloa District: A Case Study. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka.p:2.
E.J.P. Delina and R. Kiruparajah (2014). Mapping Distribution Patterns of Population Density in GN Divisions based on Land Use Type – Eravur Pattu DS Division in Batticaloa District Proceedings of the International conference of Agricultural Science, Sabragamuwa University of Sri Lanka. p: 69.
E.J.P. Delina and R. Kiruparajah (2013). Mapping Distribution Patterns of Population Density in GN Divisions based on Land Use Type Paddy – Eravur Pattu DS Division in Batticaloa District Proceedings of the Research Symposium of Uva Wellassa University. pp: 4-6.
E.J.P. Delina and R. Thivyatharsan (2013). Participatory Approach to Assess the Adaptability of Farming Community to Climate Change: A Case Study in Eravur Pattu DS Division, Batticaloa. Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Science Research Session, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka.p:5.
E. J. P. Delina, R. Thiviyatharsan and T. Geretharan. (2013). Adaptability of integrated Crop-Livestock farming systems to climate change. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of Eastern University of Sri Lanka. p: 65.
Delina, F. E. and Thiviyatharsan, R. (2013), Adoptability of water purification practices at household level: A study from the Eravur Pattu Divisional Secretariat Division, Batticaloa for the Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium of Postgraduate Institute of Science, University of Peradeniya. p: 23
Santhiramathi, N., Premakumar, K., Sugirtharan, A. and Delina, F.E. (2010), Studies on the Physico-Chemical and Organoleptic Characteristic of Popularly Grown Banana Varieties in the Batticaloa Region for the Third International Symposium of Sabragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, p: 183.
Delina, F.E. and Mahendran, T. (2010). Jackfruit Seed Flour in Biscuit Making Technology: Analysis on Product Qualities for the 66th Annual Scientific Session of Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science, p: 146.
Mahendran, T. and Delina, F. E. (2010). Development of Fortified Rice - Breakfast Cereals Adopting Drum Drying Technology for the Proceedings of the Research Symposium of University of Uva Wellasa,p: 164.
Mahendran, T. and Delina, F. E. (2010). Development of Fortified Rice - Breakfast Cereals Adopting Drum Drying Technology for 28th International Rice Research Conference (IRRC28) Hanoi, Vietnam.
Delina, F.E. and Mahendran, T. (2009). Effect of Edible Film Coating on Post Storage Qualities of Tomatoes at Low Temperature. Proceedings of the 8th Annual Research Session of Eastern University of Sri Lanka, pp: 30-34.
Book Publication:
- Delina, F.E. and Mahendran, T. (2010). “Postharvest Techniques in Sustainable Agriculture (Tamil Version)”. ISBN: 978-52596-0-6
Book Editing:
- M. Sugirtharan and E. Delina J. Prince (2015) (Edited). Collection of Published Research Abstracts (Agricultural Engineering) 2014- Volume – 01: ISBN: 978-955-1443-76-4 (Online publication: e-repository on EUSL Library & Faculty Website)
Research Interest
- Remote sensing and GIS
- Geospatial Technology in Agriculture, Environment, and Water
- Integrated Water Resource Management
- GIS for Agriculture
- Meteorology & Geo-informatics
- Farm Structures and Elementary Surveying
- Precession Agricultural Technology
- Awarded with Research Facilitation Fund from Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka to conduct the MPhil Research (Full time) in Agricultural Engineering (specialized in Geo –informatics) in 2016
- Awarded with Sornammah Rasamani Namasivayam Memorial Award for the Best Research conducted by the final year students of the Faculty of Agriculture in 2009.
Positions Held
- Secretary for the 4th National Symposium on Agriculture in 2021 (NSA – 2021).
- Activity coordinator for the AHEAD Project, Department of Animal Science from 16/09/2019 to date.
- Faculty representative for University Business Linkage (UBL) Program for the period of 03 years from 03rd June 2020.
- Faculty representative for Career Guidance Programme for the period of 03 years from 03rd June 2020.
- Faculty Board Member (10/07/2013 - 30/06/2016 & 17/10/2019 to date)
- Person- in- Charge in the Sub- committee for Programme Review (16/09/2019) in the period of 2019/2020
- Member of Technical Evaluation Committee for the ELTA-ELSE Faculty Grant, AHEAD Project, Faculty of Agriculture.
- Committee member for the Activity_ AHEAD Project, Faculty of Agriculture from 2019 to date
- Representative of the Dept. Agricultural Engineering for the Faculty Curriculum Committee from 23/10/2019.
- Coordinator and Co-Editor, Faculty Newsletter – 2015, Faculty of Agriculture, EUSL from 2015-2016.
- Member of Session organizing committee for International Conference of Eastern University, Sri Lanka-2014
- Coordinator, Faculty IT Unit, Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University Sri Lanka (From 20/09/2013-30/06/2016).
- Student Counsellor (01/06/2013-31/12/2013 & 04/06/2014 to 03/06/2015).
- Coordinator, Undergraduate Research Forum – 2013, Faculty of Agriculture, EUSL held on 29-30th August 2013.