Members of FQAC, Faculty of Agriculture
Name |
Position |
Prof (Mrs.). P. Premanantharajah |
Dean/Faculty of Agriculture (Chairperson) |
Prof. (Mrs.) N. Rodney Fernando |
Coordinator/ FQAC |
Prof. S. Sutharsan |
Head/Dept. of Crop Science |
Dr. K. Prasannath |
Head/ Dept. of Agric. Biology |
Dr. M. S. M. Nafees |
Head/ Dept. of Animal Science |
Dr (Mrs.). K. Thirumarpan |
Head/Dept. of Agric. Economics |
Mrs. E. D. J. Prince |
Head/Dept. of Agric. Engineering |
Mrs. A. Sugirtharan |
Head/Dept. of Agric. Chemistry |
Prof. M. Pagthinanthan |
Director/ CENSARM |
Mrs. G. Navirathan |
Senior Assistant Librarian |
Dr. K. Prasannath |
Academic Advisor |
Mr. A. Prasath |
Management Assistant |
Ms. K. Aruniya |
Technical Officer |
Ms. Fathima Safna |
Representative of Students |
Mr. S. Thanushan |
Representative of Students |
Mr. A. Hisnathas |
Assistant Registrar/Agriculture |